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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. true mate,but some folk have only 10 mins in their van with a cuppa and a quick squint at a rag before getting on with their job,i suppose youll have all the time in the world to perouse the broadsheets whist keeping an eye open for terrorists
  2. Youre right there Andy,not much interest from them at all,even when McRae was doing his stuff it was always a short 5 line story tucked away at the back between the golf and the bottom of the horse racing pages.And them after the tragic accident,and while it was still being talked about worldwide, the Record started bleating on about how they were going to campaign for a memorial of some sort in Lanark....talk about jumping on the bandwagon!!
  3. i like that a lot mate,i just need to find a couple of strips of white vinyl and make a large satire on my roof.
  4. good pics guys,a nice selection of scoobs on show ,i see Mr. Donaldson's car has been to the body shop ,lol!
  5. looks good in silver as it is,nice and clean looking but the anthracite does look good on silver cars.
  6. I take it i'm not the only one to have a panic attack today after reading the small story on page 41 today,i thought i was in a time warp when i read how ,at the weekend a 20 mile convoy of subaru's celebrated the life of Colin McRae,and apparently 1300 vehicles gathered in Banbury" YESTERDAY "before being led back north .Well it just goes to show you cant believe all you read in the press.And more importantly SHAME on the Record for "priding" its self in being Scottish and just makes up a story about a true scottish legend.I mean did they actually research anything before going to print?,did a spotty little trainee journo' get sent to Lanark,arrived late,couldnt find any Scoobs so just made something up? Well i'll tell you this if anyone from the Record turns up at the weekend and asks me for a comment i know what i'll be telling him. ,nuff said ,rant over!................see ya all at the weekend.
  7. lookin' well tidy in black Brian...........but deep down you know gold is best!!
  8. if you hang around bus stops you get the same sound effects Stevie, without the expense of course.
  9. well i'll most certainly be there,i think i've told everyone i know to watch the TV news bullitins that weekend because this is going to be MASSIVE!!!!!!!.....i was thinking about getting those white marker pens that car salesmen use for writing prices on their cars,then i could write my name on the roof for the SKY news chopper!!!
  10. ....i remember a girl asking me and a mate that question in Magaluf one year but i never noticed her push bike!!
  11. lookin good Geo,glad you know what your doing!
  12. oh no!...another detailing thread !!!
  13. ....it's alive alright............3.49pm.....2 Members: marky.t.s, ed-209
  14. i thought "studs and nut's" was a gay thread so didnt bother reading it last night,hope you get it sorted ,sorry i cant help mate but if you need me to hold your nuts give me a call big boy.
  15. ha,ha!..i was thinking the same. ,was it the "site" thats still in the "dark ages" or Mr.Welsh??????????
  16. nice to see youre spreading the word across the pond,that was a bit special bumping into Mr.Ringer and getting youre sticker signed,nice one dude
  17. got mine today,i'll keep the reading for 8.30 am @ 30,000 ft on my way to Portugal ra morra!
  18. nice pics scott,st3ph3n that GTO Lusso was minted was it not?...great shot by the way ,i got fed up with the rain and poor light and went home early,only took a couple of pics nothing much of interest tho'.
  19. Boydies pic looks spot on john....orange wheels...i told you that would work ,mibbies ditch the tein and AFR graphics,you could mibbies get some made up in orange and put them on the rear door pillars,with brembo,whiteline etc.
  20. right!......orange stripes ..yes shake n'bake ..no JW 340 ....needs something else on the sides( the rising sun graphic that was shown a while ago would be good ) the orange wheels!!!!.....get them ON...its crying out for them
  21. nice one...how did Andy's pics turn out from the other night?...or is it still under wraps for the mo'.I've a couple if you need them(Tam in catalogue pose)
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