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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. lol,i thought Andy was taking the p1 ss ,so i gave a suitable p1ss- take reply.........who are you again????
  2. correct 100% ,top marks to Dunk.(PaulC555 without the STi)
  3. i was wondering that myself andy ,looks bloody good though eh??
  4. ooops! i wasnt back on last night boss,if its easier for the DHL guy to drop it off while hes in c/nauld thats fine ,if not i'm on site at Gateside Rd. ,Douglas everyday.
  5. you could have dropped mine into Douglas to save postage as well.
  6. did the sticker look like the one behind these 2 muppets!!!
  7. nearly forgot this one. .................
  8. great pics Scott,Col,anyone got pics of the "official SICC " tent
  9. heres a couple of my efforts.............
  10. lol,aye,we all follow the crash magnet around.
  11. is there an SICC meet on the 'morra then?
  12. nice.....mibbies see you the 'morra mate.
  13. top pics Col,like the porkers glowing discs.
  14. well folks due to contractural problems Ant and Dec couldnt announce the results on a "live" show,but their producer has assured me that the have counted and verified the results............................. Brian (Rallye 6) does indeed wax his legs more often than his Scooby......well done that man!!
  15. excellent report Cal and top pics too,dont forget True Grip mag are always looking for articles/storys like this.
  16. A bit of fun really,after a discussion on the SIDC stand on Sunday some of us were left asking a few questions,does Brian (Rallye 6) wax his legs as often as his car?? Take a close look at the photo and vote,its as simple as that. The poll will be closed on Thursday night,at which point Ant and Dec will count and verify the results and announce them live on ITV.(i hope they get it right this time)
  17. Hobbycraft at Glasgow fort sells ribbon of all colours and sizes JW.
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