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Everything posted by cullenmin

  1. Cheers Grant, me and my mate will be attempting it, never done one before, any help would be much appreciated The new diff should come tomorrow via next day delivery, if it doesnt arrive then I'm almost certain to be breaking my current one at knockers
  2. I plan on doing this tomorrow afternoon (3pm onwards until the job is done ). I have a range of tools to hand, unless there is anything special I need? Thanks Rich
  3. Jump leads makes the pits more exciting
  4. for rent or for keeps? You can tell I'm a virgin
  5. Anyone in fife be able to lend me a hand at changing my rear diff. I have bought one and is due to get delivered tomorrow (I hope) and need to get it fitted before knockers on saturday morning. I will be giving it a bash at changing it tomorrow afternoon/night so any help would be much appreciated. Cheers Rich oh aye and I'll be doing it at my mates house in markinch (he has the jacks & stands )
  6. Is that for getting slicks at knockers or that another guy? Cheers Rich
  7. Glad I'm not at home at the moment or I'd be forced to stay in the pub
  8. Could be 2 weeks, I seem to remember seeing a leaflet somewhere that said 14 days, not 100% sure though. edit found this - http://www.vosa.gov.uk/vosacorp/repository...0Leaflet%20.pdf
  9. Wide arch kit and fat boy treds..........Stunning Rich
  10. I would have to agree with the passenger there like...after I called the wifie driver a silly *****
  11. Our forum has a car care section. I don't mind the car cleaning threads as it gets me off my a*** once in a while to go and clean mine. I just wish I knew how to use all the products that are quite often abbreviated (sp) on the posts. Rich
  12. Jeez I must have missed that thread (just noticed it was in the Off topic so maybe why i missed it) Hope you get it for yer bday then mate
  13. Wont be that when the classic type R's gang up on you at the hairpin Although I'm sure STI Pretender has broke his just now
  14. There was only 3 other cars out there... another SEAT, a jag E type and an audi R8. Passed the jag & the SEAT a number of times, and passed the R8 once. I know where your coming from Imy, there will be quite a few more cars on track during a trackday
  15. Hey folks, I was up at knockhill this morning for the SEAT Trackstar driving experience 1 - 1 tuition. Sky was a bit dull and the track was damp but i thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was loads of fun and i would recommend anyone that hasnt been on track before to go for something like this. The reason i booked it was because I have my first SIDC trackday on the 28th of this month. I wanted a little training on the track before I set out with the rest of you guys. Learning the lines, braking points, track etiquette etc was all the things I was looking to learn and this morning up at knockers has done just that. Many Thanks to my instructor "Max" who is a very good looking young woman, your a star... I even got about 20 laps round the circuit because I was doing so well with the lines, smoothness and braking. Pretty good going considering your only supposed to get about 10 laps Anyway I'm a very happy chappy today and can't wait for the trackday on the 28th. Anyone else been up and done any of the driving experiences? Rich
  16. You making up some fancy stickers/decals Al? I was going to ask you about the McRae ones that you made up, I'd like a pair of them but I'll prob see you before the RR day
  17. I wouldnt worry about buying a standard type R, they are still some machine especially if it has been looked after which is what you want. My mate is selling his one. He is a member but hasnt been on that long so hasnt got the 50 posts required to advertise his car on here... http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/478777.htm It is a distance for you too but definately worth a look. Rich
  18. V5/6 Sti engines are the same as a P1 engine. So I would think Yes would be the answer.
  19. V-Power was available at the station on anderson drive (ring road) last night. Diesel and normal unleaded were dry. Media are a bunch of funts, again i see old men with jerry cans filling up due to the scaremongering from the press!
  20. Congratulations Al, I'm sure you will do us proud Go-Karting is a must, Skid car day would be good fun. Your website idea sounds good too. Rich
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