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Everything posted by nkwrx

  1. am liking that a lot mate .....wheels are bang on![Y]
  2. just explaining how to do it in full incase anyone isn't too hot on their PC......... Definately me Cal, wine or otherwise
  3. is that really complicated or have I just had an exotic ciggy and too much wine?[8-)]
  4. 4hero that 2nd pic is the business! Nice one m8[]
  5. Hello m8 and welcome. good lookin car you got there
  6. That is a very fine looking car you have there sir!!! Keep it I say[Y]
  7. 41 and 3/4 [:$] 44.....anyone older?.....please!
  8. Last time you posted pics of your motor, with a silver classic I think I thought it looked stunning wi the prodrive wheels but the more I look at the pics.....think you called it right m8 Nice one. Cheers Kevan
  9. Might affect your face if you're unfortunate enough to hit it at a rate of knots. Airbags work mate, give it some serious thought. cheers Kevan
  10. Have to agree also, two Traffic cops stopped me on the Irvine Bypass last May for doing 92mph. Let me off wi a warning and were very nice about my car too.Top blokes, was VERY grateful to them indeed[Y]
  11. Pro drive for me too. Expensive but good quality
  12. Hullo m8 and welcome. 89? is that when you were born? how scary is that![]
  13. Truly truly awful!!! How long before that bumper hits a kerb? Not soon enough I say[]
  14. Could be good news. I have to travel to Carlisle at the moment, although Stan Palmers down there are excellent. Are they going to be Subaru only or continue with the Vauxhalls as well at James Haugh? I wouldn't be too sure about letting a Vauxhall mechanic loose on my modded Subaru. It's the same dudes that work in Halleys as when it was Vauxhall, they just "been on a course". Spoke to a guy that works there who was there when my Dad bought an Opel Kadett from Halleys in 1980. Who really knows the mechanics pedigree in most places?
  15. Thought it was just me....they haven't a clue!
  16. Hello and welcome m8. Like the red wi the black wheels[Y]
  17. bummer m8. Extra sore one if it's someone that knows you[:@]
  18. My understanding has always been 10000mls odometer reading John. 9000mls in reality.....what do you mean they're ripping us off?[]
  19. Hullo m8 and welcome. Nice lookin P1 you got there[]
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