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Please think about this for a moment..

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Agree with all that has been said.

Am not shy of putting myself in the "danger zone" everyday at work but when the time comes to get  home for some leave and get in the car i am 90% Driving Miss Daisy.  I have no problems getting done in at work (probably as i am getting paid for it [:D]) but getting done in scrEwing around in the car just for that adrenalin rush does not float my boat at all, especially in built up areas like that.

That's if it was scrEwing around and not a genuine accident!


Such a good and worthwhile post to read .

(accident aside)

I must drive about 1500+ miles a week and it never ceases to amaze me the amount of needless , careless kind of driving that goes on.

Mobile phone use, cutting in front, road rage...the list goes on sadly.

Respects not something you see on the road much these days. Too many people seem to be more interested in there own progress than paying attention to other people on the road.

And don't even get me started about the cars with one headlight or rear light working, Dangerous or what..

All in all.....take care out there guys .especially at this time of year.


I think you can usually spot the difference between a genuine petrol head/enthusiast and a "boy racer" by the conduct about town.

I've been on more runs, long and short ones, than I can remember with the guys on this place now and I don't think any of them will deny that we enjoy a good spirited outing. But what I have never seen is speed or risk in built up areas or when other cars are about. It's not worth it. Long may sensible enjoyment continue, and not so sensible when we get to the track.


Great post Alan. [Y]

Lots to take in and think about, I would have to agree with all that you have said there is a time and a place for having a heavy right foot and for me from now on that will be on the track.


Comments noted but lets face it we don't drive the only marque of a 'spirited' nature. I see Scoobs, Evo's MGs, Skylines and a plethera of hot hatches every day. While specific areas may have a 'check all Imprezas' policy I doubt it. TBH I'm generally so busy due to staff shortages and incesent calls coming in I don't have time for such random checks. If the driving doesn't draw attention to the car and I've no other specifc reason I won't notice a Scoob driving past other than perhaps to admire it.


That's understandable.

Possibly i'm a little paranoid, though on every occasion where there has been an interest shown,(bar one a couple of months ago) i've been in traffic or traffic queues or have been driving along country roads at around the 40-45 mph mark.

Perhaps, it is a possible admiration, but i suppose it could also be down to having a pretty noisy straight cut gearset and exhaust system which has drawn the attention.

The car itself (as you can see under my forum name), i've tried to keep the car looking as std as possible to hide the extensive modifications that lie within.


Good one mate. I'm a Paramedic in Glasgow and have seen this kind of carnage TOO many times. Crew from my station got that job and believe me RTA's aint pretty. Kevan

I think you can usually spot the difference between a genuine petrol head/enthusiast and a "boy racer" by the conduct about town.

I've been on more runs, long and short ones, than I can remember with the guys on this place now and I don't think any of them will deny that we enjoy a good spirited outing. But what I have never seen is speed or risk in built up areas or when other cars are about. It's not worth it. Long may sensible enjoyment continue, and not so sensible when we get to the track.

Yeah, my thoughts too as I as reading through the posts. Good point, well put.

You really need to have respect for these machines. I'm probably a bigger risk when driving my diesel van than in my scoob [:D]

The van gets 'nailed' everywhere and is on the limit of adhesion on most bends [:(] Speeds are however relatively low.

The only time the scoob gets WOT on the road is when there is nothing behind, nothing in front and nothing on the other side of the road. It's just me and the sheep that need to worry !




I cant say I have never done some spirited driving, but I tend to keep it in check and at times and places chosen for a far lesser risk. I use my impreza for everyday driving to work and such. My usual miles to a tank says it all for me really (300 miles, Newage, 02 with minor mods)

I just dont see the point in racing around in town or when traveling on heavy used roads. I have the lack of luck in needing to use the Edinburgh city bypass and the west end of edinburgh for my work. I see so many really bad drivers and pure dangerous ones speeding everywhere it just puts me off big time. Cant count the amount of times someone has nearly crashed into me or just about caused a major crash. Bikers as well! oh my god they are accidents waiting to happen, watched so many filtering in heavy moving traffic. Some doing up 80mph, really is scary at times [:D]

But I have to say we still have some in SIDC, I know this oh so well from a May run up north where a Green Classic Wagon over took going up a steep short hill that turned to the left with NO sight available for on coming traffic. I crapped myself seeing a SIDC member doing that. Myself and a friend watched this and saw pure lunacy driving at times.

Part of the reason I havent attended all the runs.


But I have to say we still have some in SIDC, I know this oh so well from a May run up north where a Green Classic Wagon over took going up a steep short hill that turned to the left with NO sight available for on coming traffic. I crapped myself seeing a SIDC member doing that. Myself and a friend watched this and saw pure lunacy driving at times.

Part of the reason I havent attended all the runs.


if it was the same run as i was on then i know exactly what you mean, also saw possibley the same car do some silly things, hence the reason i got past it to get out it's way.

You should attend more runs, the format has been altered for the better and everything seems to go swimmingly now. I t is like everything in life, there is always a small minority that spoil it for the majority...............don't let it put you off though.  [:D]


I bought a set of '92 Legacy headlights off a young fella, went by the name of Scooby Dave on the UKLegacy forum, who drove a silver 'preza.

If yir reading this Dave - Let the troops over on the dark side know it wasn't you please.


Great post Alan.

Driving from Balloch to Stirling this afternoon I scewed the nut after seeing a car wrapped round a tree just outside Strachur, wasnt a scooby but looked like a jap import of some description.

The Road all the way to Arrochar from where I had been was empty so I made good progress but as soon as other road users started to appear I thought about this thread, thought about encountering someone like the driver of the crashed car or making a poor decision and causing others the same fate.

Its so easy to get complacent.


Excellent post, both topic and replies.  Life can be crap at times but thinking of what and who you may leave behind makes you think.  It's just not worth it.  Enjoy the car without ruining someone's day.

Brian [;)]


Very good post, a lot of very valid comments.

I am glad to see the reaction you all have towards Scoobydoom as a Police officer, as I am also a cop, and the attitude you have all shown has been fantastic. End of the day we are all enthusiasts and the most important thing when it comes to our enjoyment of these cars is safety. There are a few out there that give Impreza drivers a bad name, but I would say the vast majority of folks on here are very carefull drivers, and leave their aggression for the track, where it should be! 


Having lost 2 friends this year in a RTA then all I can say is I agree whole heartedly with what Alan says.

There is a time and place for a bit of fun

AND remeber people  "SEATBELTS."

They do save lives.

Fact : 3 in the car , 1 wearing a seat belt

 1 survives with very minor injuries.

 Just wish Stevie & Bert had worn them.


Safe driving over the festive season people.



As the news breaks that two firefighters were killed today doing their job and protecting the safety of others this hits home particularly hard as most of my family are or have been in the fire service. I have the utmost respect for them and those who serve as paramedics and ambulancemen. I used to share a flat with a guy who worked in major trauma in A&E at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and have heard the horror stories in far more detail than I would have liked...


the thread has really hit home. from now on i wont be taking anymore bends at a fast pace on the open roads. If you get through them well.....what happens? your great. if you dont its a different kettle of fish.

too much to risk for no reason.


Just to add to gumballs comment

All those that are on the performance (bhp)tuning path, bear in mind as your power goes up, on the roads you are familiar and confident with, you will find you approach bends at a greater rate than you did before, though you may not realise it.

Be more aware of your surroundings.

As performance goes up, you must look further ahead than you did before to take in what is happening, as you will have less time to take avoiding action should a situation arise.

Familiar roads change when performance goes up and by that i mean, for example, that bends which were circumnavigated with ease, will become much tighter than before and this is because you are approaching them quicker than before, though you may not realise it due to complacency through experience in the past.

You've all heard the saying "i know the road like the back of my hand". This may be true, but it's a different road when a more powerful car is put on it.

This may appear to a number of you as "teaching you to suck eggs", but is a worthwhile reminder and could benefit the newer or younger members where this marque is there first foray into true performance car ownership.

The Impreza is a car blessed with technology which makes them easy to drive quickly, but as with any other car of this type, when you have an "incident", they tend to be bigger "incidents" than ordinary family cars.

These are powerful machines as std. Up the power, and those risks increase substantially if there is insufficient driver awareness.


Is it true that the scoob was actually stolen and the driver was well lets say not entirely sober and that is was being actively persued by the cops?

It is alleged that it was in an accident on London Road too?

Dont know how true it is but there are always two sides to every story.

Still very sad that a life has been lost though.


Having lost 2 friends this year in a RTA then all I can say is I agree whole heartedly with what Alan says.

There is a time and place for a bit of fun

AND remeber people  "SEATBELTS."

They do save lives.

Fact : 3 in the car , 1 wearing a seat belt

 1 survives with very minor injuries.

 Just wish Stevie & Bert had worn them.


Save driving over the festive season people.


Fully agree with Scotty on this one. I was the passenger in a barrel roll on Mull just over a year ago, and thanks only to the seatbelt and the good grace of God did I manage to walk away from that one alive. Seatbelts save lives, airbags only cushion a blow


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