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i had a thread in the for sale section

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What's newt, you remove non paid up members posts in for sale section.

I heard at a monthly meet, from a committee member there was talk of limiting non paid up members to the number of post they could post in a 24hr period

it seethat adolf hilter is alive and well

i dont believe this is the right direction for the club, same thing happened to xroc and that folded


Who is actually coming up with these wonderful ideas....

And more to the point , who is agreeing with it?

I remember a while back (just before xmas?) we were all asked to put forward our ideas/concerns to help take the club forward etc but i haven't heard a peep since on what was decided.

Where's the feedback .............

Hows about starting with where the money is spent.. all be it the severe lack of it esp since the outlook isn't looking very promising.


Couldn't agree with you more Frank

i have seen a busier graveyard recently, along with what they have done to the for sale section and lack of RO's down south of the border, it does look like the club is on it's knees, and future is not looking good, can see why this BB is dead now, folk going elsewhere


i personally don't see the upside of deleting dorment threads in the for sale section by

non memebers,but it's not all bad for me as when i realised my thread for breaking my car had been deleted

i decided to abandon the idea and keep it :thumbup:

if it's a way of trying to force non members to cough up £20 to advertise then sorry but i don't think it will

work but thats just my opinion.two threads in the for sale section is pretty sad.

hope the club can survive it's difficulties and keep going but with the amount of people struggling to run/maintain

and justify the cost of running subarus at the moment it's probably 50/50.

mines hasn't seen the light of day for months but then again not everyone can afford to have a car sitting doing nothing for long periods of time.

peace out

ps.neil yer still a big galoot :boxing:


well for me there isnt anywhere else to go - theres no other subaru club in central/tayside that organises meets and runs, if all i wanted to do was be on a forum then id save a fortune in road tax and insurance a year but like most of you guys (especially you Neil with the lead foot) i like to drive the car enthusiatically with other like minded members and if the club goes under where else offers that chance? not scoobynet, not .net to the extent we do, not 22b.com - they all have their place but they dont offer the face to face interaction and actual driving sidc does

and if members and non members both have full access to all areas that matter who'l pay £20 a year or even a fiver? there needs to be incentives to join up, thats just the sad fact of society today

Cathy you working tomorrow? or is that diet coke dependant hehe ;)

and i look nothing like Gaddafi, your oil is safe with me infidel......


totally agree with you Jimser, just looks daft a handful of threads and not how id have handled things but these things happen - and if its convinced you to keep your motor its not all bad! if we delete the events section will that convince you to come for a run with it too :D


totally agree with you Jimser, just looks daft a handful of threads and not how id have handled things but these things happen - and if its convinced you to keep your motor its not all bad! if we delete the events section will that convince you to come for a run with it too :D

lol yea it might dave when i can afford to insure it :icon_hang:


I agree about the runs/meets etc if they were non existent then I wouldn't keep all my scoobs :(

and Dave yip I'm working today... and cars are sorned at the mo but re taxing 1st march :D


What's newt, you remove non paid up members posts in for sale section.

I heard at a monthly meet, from a committee member there was talk of limiting non paid up members to the number of post they could post in a 24hr period

it seethat adolf hilter is alive and well

i dont believe this is the right direction for the club, same thing happened to xroc and that folded

Said Committee member should've kept their mouth shut the because it's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. I would go as far as saying that if I find who it was chatting such shit I'll be having words at the AGM.

That said, what the **** are you all whining about - you've been told time and time again, support the club or lose it. As a result, the f/s and wanted areas were restricted in order to encourage more member sign ups and renewals - it's working AND WILL NOT BE CHANGING. it's for the good of the club and I can't see, going by your comments, how any one of you can take issue with that.

Every single one of you were given the opportunity to contribute to the running of the club and it's future direction and the vast majority couldn't be arsed - how is that our ****ing fault?!? You were all also given opportunity to vote in the survey, very few bothered with that either.


It's attitudes like this that make me wonder why the **** I bother. I'm away for a week now so feel free to bitch and moan all you like.

Just try and remember, there's a LOT happening within the club over the coming year - all for YOUR benefit. Because it hasn't been announced yet, doesn't mean it's not happening.



Well well well.. Pretty certain this thread will get canned soon so may as well have my say as a paid up member while there's still time..

I find it aabsolutely hilarious that the previous committe was ousted due to the beleif that thery were harbouring money within the club and that it was turnign over a tidy sum and NOT passing back into teh club for growth.. Yet now that new committe is in place they have (after ignoring me) discovered the truth was not what they expected! And infact finds are tight!

Don't get me wrong, much of the new committe I've gotten to know the past few years as a good bunch of people.. But I objected to the way they overthrew the club committe.. The club needed some clear thinking and fresh ideas and new peopel but realistically it was similar to what is happening in the middle east and overthrowing govermnents.

Despite this, as mentioned above, SIDC needs to go back to scratch and remember why it was set up in the first place! I do have faith in the new committe because I have to because it's all the club has got, no one else had the backing to come forward and try for change.. I've even paid another years membership this year when others haven't because I want to give somethign back to the club to help get it back on track.. God knows, at the very least I'd still be an R/o if it weren't for personal reasons!

When I get my self back on the ball again I really hope there's a club to come back to.. But I have to say it looks less likely than it was before the changes.. The attitude of some key members on this thread are in by view completely in appropriate and should not have been said.. Gives a bit on insight into the mindset of the new committee and it's shocking!!!

If the club is going to get back on it's feet, it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Much of the posts on here these days and solely from a handful of people and not what it was or should be...

Don't let the club go down guys n' gals, get some decent diverse representation from varuous people to move the club forward. Amazingly this place seems to be more clique than ever :brickwall:



Gives a bit on insight into the mindset of the new committee and it's shocking!!!


There's a swear filter for a reason guys.

If rules are in place please abide by them. It's supposed to be child friendly?


I heard at a monthly meet, from a committee member there was talk of limiting non paid up members to the number of post they could post in a 24hr period

Well I'd be VERY interested to hear who that Committee Member was, as at NO point in time has such a thing ever been discussed.

Anyway, to update you on the club, a few of us joined the committee in late 2010 through an election process and nobody at any point was "ousted" as the people who were supposedly "ousted" are still actually very active Committee Members and are giving a hell of a lot of their time and effort in trying to get this club back on track. Some people did stand down from post or were voted off by others being voted on.

A lot of the changes that have happened on here have been as a result of discussions with members and from the limited info received back from the survey in late 2010.

A number of members had been complaining (and rightly so) that they were paying for membership and were getting little more that none paying members (whether they were established users or not!) so it was decided to give fee paying members back some of their paid for benefits. Specifically, advertising in the For Sale and Wanted Section was one area that was seen as being a member benefit.

To encourage others to join it was also agreed (as is now well known)to reduce the fee to a much more affordable £20 per annum for these benefits........... oh and yes, all the Committee pay their £20 per annum membership fee!!!!! ;)

There has been considerable time and effort put in by the committee since late last year to save this club and I can genuinely say that there is light at the end of the tunnel in getting the house in order with all the committee helping to make savings, cutting un-necessary expenditure, obtaining sponsorship for various events and promotional materials and streamlining other areas to bring things back on track.

As has been muted elsewhere, the forum sadly doesn't pay for itself so I would therefore encourage everyone to pay the small £20 per annum Fee (under 39p per week)to keep this place going and to gain some benefits for that small fee ;). After all, we all have one thing in common and thats to keep this place going!



A number of members had been complaining (and rightly so) that they were paying for membership and were getting little more that none paying members (whether they were established users or not!) so it was decided to give fee paying members back some of their paid for benefits. Specifically, advertising in the For Sale and Wanted Section was one area that was seen as being a member benefit.


Hi Gus,

Thanks for the reply.

A number of members complaing that they get little more than non members (and rightly so!?!?). Was this through meets rather than through the forums? And what else did they expect for their £20 that they don't get already?

I thought members got discount on certain parts, True Grip, members only section, cheaper track days(?), discounted insurance etc... now they want the for sale section to themselves. A tad harsh , no?

I'll need a little more convincing on that one bud.

What other plans are forecast for the near future to encourage non members or *established users* to pay the membership fee?


Hi Gus,

Thanks for the reply.

A number of members complaing that they get little more than non members (and rightly so!?!?). Was this through meets rather than through the forums? And what else did they expect for their £20 that they don't get already?

I thought members got discount on certain parts, True Grip, members only section, cheaper track days(?), discounted insurance etc... now they want the for sale section to themselves. A tad harsh , no?

I'll need a little more convincing on that one bud.

What other plans are forecast for the near future to encourage non members or *established users* to pay the membership fee?

It's all there in the Oct TG - a full report from the club questionnaire and that was the single biggest gripe members had - not enough value to being a member.

Like it or not, we can only go by the majority.


It's all there in the Oct TG - a full report from the club questionnaire and that was the single biggest gripe members had - not enough value to being a member.

Like it or not, we can only go by the majority.

Can't have been too many gripes though considering previous posts stating hardly anyway responded to the questionaire. Hows that a majority bud?

Let's hope the members have a lot of things to buy and sell then to make it a worthwhile exercise. Heres hoping!


Hi Gus,

Thanks for the reply.

A number of members complaing that they get little more than non members (and rightly so!?!?). Was this through meets rather than through the forums? And what else did they expect for their £20 that they don't get already?

I thought members got discount on certain parts, True Grip, members only section, cheaper track days(?), discounted insurance etc... now they want the for sale section to themselves. A tad harsh , no?

I'll need a little more convincing on that one bud.

What other plans are forecast for the near future to encourage non members or *established users* to pay the membership fee?


through the survey and discussions at meets too mate.

Two specific areas that were highlighted were the For Sale/Wanted Sections and for events like Modified Live, Motorshow etc... where members felt both non members and members were treated alike. It was felt that "priority" should be given to members for these events and if any space was left that non-members then be given an opportunity to attend. Please remember that this is coming from the membership not the committee being :hitler: !!!!

You could (and probably do) see it as a tad harsh but at the end of the day they are the paying members and through the survey and discussions have requested these added benefits.

The committee are continually discussing what benefits members and lifetime members get but to be brutally honest I cant see us adding anything more to the extensive list (most of which you have noted above) until such times as the finances allow.

Its a pretty decent list for the £20 I hope you will agree? One of the reasons it was reduced from £35 a year to £20 was to encourage people to join and help keep the place afloat but gaining well over the membership fee in benefits by doing so.




As a cheap skate I used to love the for sale section always picking up bits cheaper than elsewhere etc etc!! what was wrong with the 50 posts before you could buy and sell?



As a cheap skate I used to love the for sale section always picking up bits cheaper than elsewhere etc etc!! what was wrong with the 50 posts before you could buy and sell?


As posted above Neil, it was through the survey/meeting discussions that this change was requested by the membership, It was also acknowledged that you could easily recoup the £20 membership fee by selling a couple of items ;)

Posted (edited)

I think £20 to become a fully paid up member is buttons in this day & age, every single one of us has wasted more money on things we don't need over & over again, pay your £20, advertise some peice of subaru scrap that's lying around unwanted in your garage, job done, membership covered, & the club get's the support required,

Some barsteward remove my item from the for sale section, worst case scenario I have to re-advertise big deal

You can't please everyone & I don't agree with every decision that's made but i'm in the club to enjoy myself, life's to short just like me :lol: to be negative all the time, I think there is light at the end of the tunnel, after the AGM the position of the club should be a lot clearer & we should be able to see what direction we need to take to move the club forward & keep it afloat.

Edited by bobbyc

As a cheap skate I used to love the for sale section always picking up bits cheaper than elsewhere etc etc!! what was wrong with the 50 posts before you could buy and sell?


You can still buy from the f/s section member or otherwise. Only members can post ads though.

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