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Why Oh Why Do People Have To Drive Like Knobs!

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It really does amaze me sometimes.

Pulled onto the A737 at Howwood heading towards Beith and a yellow transit pulled out behind me.

It was about 4.30pm so anyone who knows the road also knows that it's pretty much nose to tail

all the way.

That didn't stop this a*** driving so close that I couldn't even see his number plate in my rear view

mirror. ;)

I know he didn't know but having my 18mth old daughter in the back seat didn't help my anger!!!

He was getting so close that I had a dab on the brakes...even to light them up but not slow much....

and even though he was driving like that, he then thought it was his right to get on the horn, flash his

lights, keep his full been on and give me the finger!!! :P;)

All this time the traffic was still doing 40mph!

He pulled off towards Dunlop giving me the full beam as he did so.

I wish another adult had been in the car so I could've reported him for careless driving!!!

..............................and breath....... :D

Thanks for listening B)

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yep i so hate arrogant drivers. I came accross 1 in grangemouth other day there. minding my own, when a s****ty astra came ploughing out off the r/bout. almost rear ended me. then had the cheak to give me hand jesters.

so i just slowed down to 20mph. even though it was a 30. majourly peed him off but if i hadnt had the kid with me it would have been a different story.

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A good way to do this is to make some space between the car in front then slam on the brakes then back on the gas, it's almost certain that he will lock up his brakes. Obv with your child on board this is not an option.

Did this to a white van driver a few weeks ago. I've taught my left foot how to work the brakes pretty well so I've seen me using that and covering the gas with my right for maximum effect.

Does anyone remember the last time they saw a taxi pull up at traffic lights BEHIND the white line?

I certainly can't.

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Afraid that stupid drivers like this are everywhere. I just don't understand that mentality, there's no excuses for it, it ain't clever and impresses no-one !!

Couple years back my wife came home in near tears after a van driver followed her for 5 miles on a country road in the dark driving only a couple of metres from her bumper - she was doing 50mph, and at one point slowed down on a straight section to 40 to let it past which it didn't !! Too dark to get it's number plate and it pulled off before they got to the next town. No flashing lights, no incidents beforehand, just a creepy idiot thinking they were being funny - tube !

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I know the road well, and as you said at that time of day it's full! Even when it's quiet overtaking is not really an option - so the speed of the car in front is your speed... so what's the point in behaving like he did?? People like that amaze me... Sometimes I dab the brakes and then boot it for a few yards to get a gap, sometimes I put the rear fog light on, and sometimes I make sure they can see me and give them the bird! :P

Many an otherwise calm drive has been spoiled by people like that, when there's not a chance to get out their way by booting it.


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