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Gb270 Polis Car!

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nice to see our tax money spent on a sensible cost effective car for the police force. :lol:

I know, what a complete waste of money. I can never figure out why police forces waste so much money buying Imprezas, Cosworths, Porsches etc. They would be better off buying another helicopter, as these are the things that actually can keep up with car thieves.


Thing is, for high speed pursuits....against stolen Porsches/Evo's/Scoobies etc....the police need cars to match.

As for the helicopter...I work for Strathclyde...largest force in Scotland and we only have one helicopter.

I think I'm right in the fact it's the only police helicopter in Scotland....at a cost of about 4 or 5million!!!

It's all money. A few helicopters or 20 odd/30k on a car out of your force budget.

ANPR is a great bit of kit for catching uninsured drivers etc but not every traffic car has got it.

Money again.


I agree with Ritchie, the cost of another helicopter is the same as them buying 100o scoobys! so i dont know whos worse, the police Budget AAuthority or Big al!! :lol:

But i also have to say, (which is why i griped int he first place) that the police buying and driving these fast response cars is pathetic! When you ask them about HIGH SPEED CHASES, they all tell you the same thing. In reality they cannot chase down cars and bikes because if there is an accident then the IAB get involved, the police officers are put through Inquest, the public start getting the pitchforks out, theres little scarecrows on burning crosses kitted out in police uniforms etc etc! So the whole idea of them needing these cars is Null and Void.

Use the money to PAY THE COPS BETTER, that way they wont have to write stupid and unnessecary tickets out, they will feel like they are worth more to the general public, and the whole system and society benefit in the long run.

I dont know any cop that is worth their salt who would say, ' i want to have a big fast sportscar as the policecar and ill forefeit a pay rise and the ability to OWN one myself'

So all in all, the moral is, Dont spend our hard earned money on a damn GB270 because you think its cool, spend that money on making the police officers worthwile, give them the PROPER equipment they need, (like DECENT vests) and we will all be happy!

I think its kinda cool! :)

I'm all for it too! One reason young dude's try and race away from the cops is becuase they are driving diesel panda cars. With a SCooby/Evo up your bump with the lights and noisy things They are more likely just to pull over. And thos that try and get away probably won't unless they start pulling off really silly manouvres in which case they are seriously risking their lives and the lives of others..

I my view, this is the sort of cars all traffic forces shoudl have! Not the fancy RWD BMW's / volvos they have in some places.. How to get away! Easy do it on a wet day!!! With a scooby, everyday is a good day.. :lol:


My point is that how many police pursuits/chases, actually end in the bad guys being caught? If someone is driving like a knob through town, and really determined to get away (i.e - putting public at risk) Surely the polis will back off? (correct me if i'm wrong)

I just feel that its a waste of money tbh. (not that BMW 5 Series and Volvo T5's come cheap though!)


So none of you guys will drool over it at Prodrive then if it's confirmed the Essex Scooby Interceptor will be in attendance at the Gathering as we hope? :P

My point is that how many police pursuits/chases, actually end in the bad guys being caught? If someone is driving like a knob through town, and really determined to get away (i.e - putting public at risk) Surely the polis will back off? (correct me if i'm wrong)

I just feel that its a waste of money tbh. (not that BMW 5 Series and Volvo T5's come cheap though!)

I agree with you there mate. I know that our Communications Inspector will call off any pursuit... Even if a patrol car is following at a safe distance...

There is NO PURSUIT at all with regards to motorbikes making off from police.... :lol: All health and safety and Human rights b******s... :P

On the other hand...There is a need for high performance vehicles in the police forces....


End of the day, Police Forces dont pay our prices for cars anyway. We just picked up 5 Mitsubushi Pajero's 08 plates for less than around 80k. They sell in the show rooms for over 20. massive saving.

And just to pick up on Ritchies point, Strathclyde dont OWN the chopper, its Scotlands helecopter, just that since Strathclyde is the biggest force in Scotland, they get it staying at their house :P.

Moot point, but hey lol!

I dont get y buy a scoob either, we jus bought 3.0 passats, and they shift at a fair rate of knots, all about the driver anyhow, give a traffic cop a decent enough can, and in urban areas he willl keep up with most car thieves (when allowed)


No different to the ols Sierra Cossie saloons i remember South Yorks showing us as a kid. Agree you'd fancy your chances agains t biofuel Corsa but a decent driver in a decent car... no way.

The time it doesn't work is for stolen cars etc and i don't know how much of the job that is but is reckon most is simply routine stops for drink drivers and other muppetts who aren't going to go through fields etc to try and get away.

Not sure about things like the Evo on Interceptors though, i would be looking for performance without the servicing costs so the Scoob is good choice!


I dont get y buy a scoob either, we jus bought 3.0 passats, and they shift at a fair rate of knots, all about the driver anyhow, give a traffic cop a decent enough can, and in urban areas he willl keep up with most car thieves (when allowed)



Im always one of the first to jump on the anti police bandwagon when the threads come out about yet another member of the public being killed during a police pusuit/operation and subsequent lack of punishment for the officers involved.

Especially at seeing their glee when my nephew with a whole two years driving experience was given 5 years for killing his girlfriend, when he lost control driving sober within the speed limit on a notorious corner on which there where frequent accidents. "He just happened to be the first person to hit the tree" in the words of one of the locals

I'd personally prefer that the Police where using a car designed for the task. I cringe ever time I see our locals police officers trying to drive fast in those astras, They couldnt catch me in a 1.9Gti so what chance would they have if I was in my Andy Forrest mapped rocket. And what risks would they have to take to do it?

We spend thousands of pounds training highly skilled drivers the give them 1.4 hatchbacks to chase criminals which none of us would even consider driving to the shops.

Im always one of the first to jump on the anti police bandwagon when the threads come out about yet another member of the public being killed during a police pusuit/operation and subsequent lack of punishment for the officers involved.

Especially at seeing their glee when my nephew with a whole two years driving experience was given 5 years for killing his girlfriend, when he lost control driving sober within the speed limit on a notorious corner on which there where frequent accidents. "He just happened to be the first person to hit the tree" in the words of one of the locals

I'd personally prefer that the Police where using a car designed for the task. I cringe ever time I see our locals police officers trying to drive fast in those astras, They couldnt catch me in a 1.9Gti so what chance would they have if I was in my Andy Forrest mapped rocket. And what risks would they have to take to do it?

We spend thousands of pounds training highly skilled drivers the give them 1.4 hatchbacks to chase criminals which none of us would even consider driving to the shops.

I see your point, but the highly trained drivers dont drive the 1.4 hatchbacks. They get the fun toys to play with.

And also, please please remember, its not the Police that deal with people. We are the investigators, we report circumstances. The courst, and in your nephews case probably a Sheriff would have dictated the punishment. Nothing the Police can do will effect the outcome of a trial, we purely present evidence at hand.

I see your point, but the highly trained drivers dont drive the 1.4 hatchbacks. They get the fun toys to play with.

And also, please please remember, its not the Police that deal with people. We are the investigators, we report circumstances. The courst, and in your nephews case probably a Sheriff would have dictated the punishment. Nothing the Police can do will effect the outcome of a trial, we purely present evidence at hand.

Honest guys Im not police bashing but its easy to blame someone else

The police cant effect the outcome of a trial, what a lot of tosh.

The Police choose to overlook traffic violations all the time admittedly not in fatal accidents. They also tend to be the only people allowed on the scene to collect evidence. What evidence is included is therefore down to their skill and integrity.

Ned in a saxo, dead girl, case closed!

A judge made a decision on the evidence presented to them in this case by the "expert" police crash investigators report. This report actually conflicted with two eye witness statements. But the jury was told crash investigator evidence was "crucial" in the judges summing up.

So yes it was the police who convicted him. Then the Sheriff "punished" him

Correct- panda (or standard drivers) are only permitted to drive 20mph above the speed limits and thats acpo(s) guidelines. I should know- i'm an advanced instructor.

ACPO(S) guidelines mean nothing. They are purely "guidelines" and not rules. You only have to see how often the Scammers break "ACPO(S) guidelines" to get their £60 to see that...

ACPO(S) guidelines mean nothing. They are purely "guidelines" and not rules. You only have to see how often the Scammers break "ACPO(S) guidelines" to get their £60 to see that...

Yep, i totally agree, but if the cops drive outwith their own or the vehicles capabilities, it's their job on the line.

HOWEVER, my point was this is the reason most controllers wont allow a pursuit involving a panda driver to continue.

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