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Greetings From Pecorade

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hi all

spent over 15 hours driving over 2 days and 8 hr ferry trip. just took over 3 tanks of fuel, first tank managed 376 miles with no fuel light on

weather is around 25'C and humid as hell

roads a good and scenery is brilliant

on dial-up, slow as week in the jail, will be on now and again



will do

camera was on overtime, and french motorway speeds are high, at 1 point i was well over the 100 mph just to overtake in the fast lane and it is weird driving on the wrong side and jumping out of the car to pay at the toll booths

but they know how to build roads and bridges


What are you doing over there and do you have your Scoob with you? I doubt it right enough given how many miles you got without the light coming on.

  TheWelsho said:
What are you doing over there and do you have your Scoob with you? I doubt it right enough given how many miles you got without the light coming on.

yea he has the scoob but he drives like a big girls blouse anyway hence the mpg lol

hurry home big man its time to get my engine out again!.....not

remember the vino me grande hombre :P

  jimser said:
yea he has the scoob but he drives like a big girls blouse anyway hence the mpg lol

hurry home big man its time to get my engine out again!.....not

remember the vino me grande hombre :P

Still remarkable considering the "weight" the Scoob has to shift.

Cannae wait tae see pics of the Big Chap on the French Riviera


hope your having a good time mate. If v-power is cheeper make sure to being back plenty containers!

see you when you get back.


Good MPG there Neil -sounds like your plan worked :blush:

Please bring me a nice bottle of finest red (wine - not diesel !!!) or your secret will be revealed :P

Hope you are enjoying your hols mate - see ya soon .


  Andy said:
I'm literally just back from France and you can keep the arrogant cheese-eating surrendermonkeys :P

Hahaha! C'mon Andy, dinna hod back, tell us we you really feel.

  TheWelsho said:
Hahaha! C'mon Andy, dinna hod back, tell us we you really feel.

The only positive thing I can say about them is they don't sit back and let their government walk over them like we do. They know how to protest. Other than that, I reckon we should have let Hitler keep them...

  JohnSt said:
Shouldn't this be Moderated for Racism ? :D

Nah, they're French :thumbup:

Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed is personal because I don't like the arrogant Froggie twats and does not express the views of the SIDC :P

  Ac!D said:
i did a month in france during the world cup in 98 and cant say i like em much either TBH

I cycled from Paris to Germany in 91 and thought they were really friendly and charming - but not so much in the big cities.

Posted (edited)
  Ac!D said:
i did a month in france during the world cup in 98 and cant say i like em much either TBH

'Moi Aussi', but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Least favourate bit was the serious DTs when I got back..... :D

Edited by JohnSt

What are you doing over there and do you have your Scoob with you? I doubt it right enough given how many miles you got without the light coming on. by the welsho

yes John it's called a holiday down at a cousins holiday place, yes i did drive the scoob down, just over 3 tanks of juice for 1053 miles


Still remarkable considering the "weight" the Scoob has to shift.

Cannae wait tae see pics of the Big Chap on the French Riviera by squigs

squigs, speak to you when i get back considering the weight, and the car was filly loaded boot and back seat


If v-power is cheeper make sure to being back plenty containers! by nanaki

v poweror sumplomb98 is 1.61 euro per litre by shell or local sumplomb88 is 1.48 euro, we are cheaper home for unleaded or v power


my plan worked for fuel ecomony thanks to andy f is cruising on first tank managed 376 miles on 48.8 litres so just worked out at just under 35mph doing a constant 70mph, can get slightly more at 60mph but not much

as you have been asking for finest red or vino grandre what proof does one want as can go pretty high into high 20's for wine

will be back on later


on the way down thro france, saw 1 other scoobie and it was dutch and they slowed down for the wave

subaru over here are iconic cars as there are very little dealers here. less than 24hours i have had the local police at the door reguarding the car as he quite likes them and he said he would take 1 if came in left hand drive.

the best bit. he thought i was a rich man to drive this style of car as they are for only the very rich over here

had a rain the other night but it came fom the south and you get very fine sand from the sahara with it, glad i aint running a maf as would be in limp home mode

currently 10am french time it is 27'c and during the night was 20'c. other day was 34'c, and it was humid as hell


My only experiance with the French is that, when they were under the impression we were English - They wouldn't give you the time of day. When we told them that we were infact Scottish, their attitudes changed completely. I'm literally talking from spitting on the ground to offering us a Pint.

  Terzo Neil said:
subaru over here are iconic cars as there are very little dealers here. less than 24hours i have had the local police at the door reguarding the car as he quite likes them and he said he would take 1 if came in left hand drive.

Reminds me of last year when I went to Germany with my Mate in his Celica GT4. ot off the ferry at Rotterdam and customs pulled some of the other lads over and surrounded the car. They asked him to get out and open the boot . They then asked (insert Dutch accent as appropriate) "So what horsepower does it have?" They then looked at the engine and sent him on his way.

Have a good one and if you find any of the VPower100 that we found in Germany, give it a go. Good stuff! ;)

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