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I suppose there is no other way to put this but just thought I should let the members know that I have resigned my post of Lothians and Edinburgh Regional organiser for SIDC.

Been mulling this over for some time and think it best to inject new blood into the area. I hope that I have served the clubs interest as best as I could in the almost 4 years I have held this position. Thouroughly enjoyed attending meets. creating events and generally doing " stuff" with the club, yeh there have been times that I would rather have been ANYWHERE else but those were far and few between :unsure:

Have made some friendships that I hope will continue no matter what I drive or what my involvement is with the club. I wont name names but everyone knows who they are.

I wish my successor all the best. If anyone would want to be RO for this area please get in touch with Kim and let her knowI know, who ever it will be will have the support they need from both committee and members.

Have spoken to Higgy who has provsionally said he would take care of the Fast and modified event this year, but there are other events that will req organising throughout the year, so get in touch with John S to help SIDC continue to grow.

Will still pop along to the events that are happening so I wont totally be disapearing but until then as Douglas Adams once wrote " so long and thanks for all the Fish"

Best Regards

Scott Armour


Sorry to hear this Scott, hope you still stick arround as i am sure you have no plans to sell the scoob !!

I still blame you for giving me the modding bug by the kind donation of that downpipe :unsure:



Big decision there matey, but suppose there comes a time to step back from it all... :unsure:

I appreciate all the work you've done as a member and also when you were an RO, will catch up with you at the next big meet or knockhill probably.




Sad to see you standing down Scott - you did a fine job :unsure: (with 2IC Rose of course)

I hope you'll still be attending events and we can have a natter - you are both 100% and a credit to SIDC :D .

All the best mate .



Same here, sorry to see that you are standing down mate, but I know that I've spoken to you about it before, and understand your reasons entirely.

I know that You'll not be able to keep away, well Rosie wont anyways :unsure: so i'll see you around, Saturday perhaps? :D


A huge word of thanks from me to both Scott and Rosie for all their effort and enthusiasm over the years - the strength of the club now wouldn't be where it is without them.

I'm very sad to see Scott resign his position, but again fully understand and I hope we'll continue to see you at many events this year.

Hopefully you'll be there at Knockhill on Saturday so I can see this new toy of yours :unsure:, and I'm still owe you some money I believe.

Once again - many thanks for all your efforts - they were very much appreciated by both myself and everyone who attended the various events you organised and helped out with over the years.



I really must apologise to Scott on this. He did make the site Admins aware he intended stepping down. Firstly I tried to see if there was anything we could do to change his mind then when I failed, Kim had a try too. However, the lad has made up his mind and is not for turning on this. We have to reluctantly accept his decision. Kim is RO Co-ordinator, but the lucky sod has just buggered off to Cuba for a fortnight hence why it wasn't posted as per Scott's request - sorry.

As I said to Scott privately, I've only met him and Rosie the once at a Fife run, but genuinelly nice people who know how to make n00bs (as I was at the time) welcome. I know they were and still are highly thought of within the Club. As Scott says, anyone interested in the role - PM Frenchy, but there's no immediate rush as you won't get a reply for a couple of weeks.


Sad to see u go Scott, but im sure you have your reasons.

Hopefully see you around for all the banter and laughs which were part and parcel of all the events you were involved in.

And what will we do without Rosies now legendary carmel shortcake.

The club has lost a dedicated servant.


Posted (edited)

Scott, very sad to see you (and Rosie) resign :rotfl: but, I'm well aware that you have been particularly busy away from the SIDC scene (and behind the scenes within SIDC as well :rotfl: ) and you cannot carry on doing everything!!!!!!

Appreciate the efforts you and Ickle Rosie have put into the club and for its members over the 4 years (time flies!) and making everyone feel welcome :unsure:

thanks for the memories :D

ps after 4 years you still canny spell! lol :) "beginning"

Edited by Gus the Bus

As per text earlier - sorry to see your packing it in Scott.

Hope you'll still stick around though but if not i'll be seeing you in September no doubt!



As I have already said your resignation is accepted with much sadness you have been an asset to this club and its members


Don't be a stranger :unsure:


Scott.....you will be missed my friend....the enthusiasm from both yourself and Rosie will be sorely missed in the club.....Like everyone else I hope you wont be a stranger.....I'm sure there are plenty of other folk with prodrive lights who could do with your help.....

take care my friend...you too Rosie....will miss your handwarmers at Knockhill if you dont go......

Douglas Adams books are fab eh....

see you soon mate...


Scott sorry to hear you have decided to stand down :D

I've really enjoyed both you and Rosie's friendships and will defo keep in touch.

You've been a great inspiration and have the qualities of a true RO.

Your enthusiasm and dedication will be missed.

Hope you stick around, that laugh of yours always makes me laugh too :rotfl:

Ickle Rose, you are the SS mum and we've had some great times.

I'll pop round for a cuppa and a blether next time I'm out your neck of the woods :unsure:


Scott and indeed Rosie - two more thoroughly nice people who went above and beyond for the SIDC you'll just not meet. I know when I took on my role you were there to lend a hand and we had some good ideas that we never pursued. I wish you all the best in the future, and hopefully see you at some of the meets.

PS - you're not finished with Knockhill. Not by a long shot.


me and lorna are sad to hear this as despite having only met you once you and Rosie are exactly the sort of people that make this club what it is, but i think i understand some of the reasons and sympathise with you entirely.

will hopefully see you at an event in the not too distant,or failing that next years snowman :unsure:


All the best to you and Rosie mate. Both of you made be feel welcome when I first met most of you at my first F&M couple of years ago. Hope you stick with SIDC as a regualr member.

Take care



Scott and Rosie,

Thanks for all the effort you have put in, seen and unseen.

Always made me feel very welcome and will be a hard act for someone to follow!!

Hope you both will still attend events.

Thanks again



10 out of 10 for commitment to the cause and for the work done of the past few years

Behind every great man stands a great woman

Scotsman corner will forever remain in my memory (and the memory of my Hard Drive) as a great piece of drifting by default


Scott sorry to see you step down but im sure you have your reasons, hope you dont make yourself a stranger as its always good to see a friendly face at events and i would def miss Rosies caramel shortcake :unsure: .


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