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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. snow what snow. sun splitting the sky down here
  2. what you lot got planned painted the kitchen and fitted a new walbro fuel pump to the car for the remap next tuesday on the link ecu
  3. hopefully it makes amends
  4. hi fraser i know the guy you bought it from
  5. well done for both of you and the bouncy baby
  6. what stealer is it with ?
  7. any further news on subaru assist ?
  8. at least i was trying my late breaking http://www.highflats.fsnet.co.uk/images/Ka...20Sun%20167.jpg
  9. was out with the welso, paul 9irish boy with caged ra) and sti above good driving, but braking a wee bit too early
  10. so when do you get your pilot's wings then
  11. also got a vf28 sitting next to me, but not for sale at the moment
  12. a vf28 probably suit you better
  13. looking good when it being painted, i take it inside and out 1 colour
  14. if you need a helping hand, just need to ask mate
  15. getting there, slowly but surely keep up the good work
  16. yep a very big stone
  17. if you need a hand in assembly for heavy stuff, you know where i hide
  18. very nice John i see my old intercooler has found a new home i hope you have measured the width of that garage door with the new width of the body, if not that car is going nowhere
  19. would cut off my left testicle to drive that
  20. get it checked out asap
  21. ran the car today been fine running normally, all the power is there god knows why it decided to throw the toys out of the pram
  22. what size of wheels do they fit under ?
  23. just checked the ecu by the 2 black plug method by heck, trying to keep up with the flashing cel is difficult got error codes 33 - Vehicle speed sensor 2 45 - Pressure sensor / Pressure exchange solenoid valve and just reset the ecu as well by joining the 2 blacks and 2 greens together and a light drive with no boost, took around 3 minutes no faults stored, could have been dampness as not moved in over 3 weeks
  24. right guys fired the car up today, ran fine, done around 4 miles and the CEL came on stayed on for another 5 miles driven gentley i mean gently, then CEL light went out sitting idling away the light came back on and touch the throttle and the light goes out Met Nanaki down in the Kilmarnock but his secs unit doesnt work on my car so couldn't read the fault code drove fine all the way home, no problems, but the engine noise sounds different above 5500 rpm, more like a blow on the exhaust, raspy any help appriciated going to check the codes by plugging in the black connectors if they are there under the dash tomorrow the car never stalled or cut out once
  25. thats whats the radio's for, go down ed-209's route and put in a massive stereo build, wont hear anything again
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