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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. easy enough isn't it not rocket science is it, done 2 roll bars in an hours, so did you like the pictures of your car then
  2. the rollbars came from a track basedc impreza and that was recommend for fast road/track use do you want me to come over and do them for you ?
  3. got a set of whiteline antiroll bars for a good price 2nd hand got a 22mm rear and 24mm front both non adjustable, took 1 hour to fit both and all bolts came out firtst time went for test drive, turns in better and also no understeer now
  4. my orginal spoiler and the one i have on the car both led units are held in with 2 screws
  5. thats cruel, or where they asking are you missing a pink rollbar as they have seen 3 dodgy folk under a subaru in a carpark
  6. what happened ?
  7. again.................... maybe some wheel nuts have fell off
  8. you've gone and spoilted that surprise now
  9. i agree ED-209 said it would be fun and that we should do it
  10. when you left for the run, the 3 that were left were busy trying stuff out as you can see now we have a custom pink whiteline bar going for sale shortly as seen below also we tried to check the offset on the wheels so we thought it would be better jacked up
  11. on flea bay and 900 quids starting http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/subaru-6-speed-gearb...86.c0.m14.l1318
  12. you think, i gained 80bhp a few months ago
  13. but this stale old fart will kick you up and down george street outside the kwung tang
  14. thats a steep excess mines is 300 pounds
  15. kabin bhoy
  16. was the bum dyno working overtime ?
  17. so wjhat if i cannae spel
  18. the salon looks very nice
  19. so did they let the Stig out on the road ? so that 1 good driver and 3 others then we could email top gear as say they were spotted
  20. nope, must use defi wiring and sensors
  21. probably circuitry inside the ecu either for ign or firing the injectors if works with standard ecu, then looking at something inside the ecu
  22. probably a circuit inside the ecu, could be voltage regulator, but without proper knowledge of the insides of the ecu could be hard to diagnose best course is either send it to someone who can repair/investigate or buy a new one cant loose map as far as i am aware
  23. yes welsho he has changed the title and wording on his first post man of no conviction in what he is willing to say
  24. not everybod posts all the time we do have a life else where, thats means better get ready the pub is calling at 2pm for a long session till god knows when
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