First of all, well done higgy, fastest awd and fastest car of the day. Had a good day with great weather for a change. Good to meet a few of the regulars and nice to meet quite a few new guys who dont or didnt frequent this forum (they came and spoke to me )
me and chris will be up for a look around, not doing the strip though, he should have some freebies from his work to pass out when we're there (nothing spectacular so dont expect braided lines etc lol)
Scott sorry to see you step down but im sure you have your reasons, hope you dont make yourself a stranger as its always good to see a friendly face at events and i would def miss Rosies caramel shortcake .
They done a custom twin exhaust job for chrissy's saxo cpl of weeks ago. He was well chuffed with the results and the price, as he had been checking out quite a few places.
Even i managed to do this so its not that hard
use a hairdryer to soften the seal (makes much more sense than sticking it in the oven) then soften it again when putting it back together again and you will have a tight seal
looking to get my gauges fitted, anyone recommend a place Glasgow area, or anyone want some beer tokens?
got a rear window spoiler and front grill to fit as well if anyone is bored
oh and i ment to add! DONT GO TO HALFORDS! way over priced and you dont get quality for your money, pm me if you all need anything n i can get you all good discounted deals
i sell aero blades in work for all shapes of impreza, they are called bosch aerotwin retrofit, averageing about 15-20 quid a set, imho the only thing to let them down is that they dont last years. other than that top marks from me.