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Everything posted by karps

  1. Davie you should have got a Spec D when they were on offer [] Noel
  2. contgrats cal, let the sleepless nights begin lol Billy i just KNEW you were aulder than me []
  3. Ron, Ethan, it was a pleasure on Saturday showing you some of the sights in our country, there is so much to see you wouldnt beleive, but i hope you enjoyed the wee taster. Ethan, did you see or taste a haggis? Noel (apparently the oldest guy to drive a subaru lol)
  4. Sooo? how did it go today?
  5. Had mine on my old car cos it had the rally decals but not got it on my new one YET
  6. Had a great day today and i hope that our American friends did too. I cant make the Sunday shift, but hope it goes as well as todays. Noel
  7. That looks the same as mine [][H]
  8. How about a road trip up to AWD open day then he will meet a few other members from Scotland? Saturday : 1.Ally-b 2.Karps Sunday 1. james666 2.karps
  9. Picked up mine last week and still smiling. Im still getting used to being in stealth mode though []
  10. I touch goats
  11. Dont need to cut the diffuser now its melted [:$] at least it dosen't knock now []
  12. I got taken off for some reason Friday 20th day . 1.ally-b 2. Friday 20th evening . 1.ally-b 2. imy 3. Chris_k 4. st3ph3n - possibly 5. TheWelsho 6. karps Sunday 22nd day, 1. imy 2. Chris_k 3. st3ph3n - again possibly Sunday 22nd evening, 1. imy 2. Chris_k 3. st3ph3n - more of a definite 4. karps
  13. Friday 20th day . 1.ally-b 2. Friday 20th evening . 1.ally-b 2. imy 3. Karps Sunday 22nd day, 1. imy 2. Sunday 22nd evening,1. imy 2. karps
  14. Sounds like an ideal time for a wee jaunt Pity you cant make the Saturday as its the AWD open day im sure they would have the pump your looking for.
  15. afterburner off my 03 sti but i need to adjust it slightly as it s just catching the back corner of the diffuser. Gus you dont miss a trick m8 [] pm me with a price []
  16. Very quiet. I just put a backbox on mine and it sounds a bit better. Now i need a centre section to release the full burble
  17. " mce_src=""> " mce_src=""> " mce_src=""> " mce_src="">
  18. Picked it up this afternoon Marty and still smiling. Not sure exactly what was wrong but they said there was vibration from the gearstick at around 50mph and the mechanic wasnt happy putting it out like that, but its all fixed and going great. Roll on 1000miles []
  19. [][][][] just like the McDonald advers "i'm lovin it"
  20. and forgot to say ....................... anyone selling an sti spoiler?
  21. Dunno yet, i aint got it from garage yet [:'(] as there was a fault with it, but good on the mechanic for picking up on it pdi
  22. [:'(][:'(][:'(][:'(] cant get it today as theres a problem with gears on the upside they gave me their demonstrator STI till its ready []
  23. Only a few more hours to go [][][]
  24. aw naw does this mean i wont be able to insure my spec d [*-)][][]
  25. stealth mode stephen for a while anyway []
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