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Everything posted by karps

  1. neofox feel free m8, i just didnt want to see the cruise stuck without a santa Noel
  2. if you dont mind a weegie, give me a shout, i dont think i scared the wains that much []
  3. The 2 policemen that came over to us on sundays santa cruise at asda " whose in charge here?" erm him there officer, pointing at ally " ok, just let us know when your leaving and we'll stop the traffic for you all to get out together" Top blokes
  4. hmmm does my bum look big in that pic [][][] Any publicity is good publicity folks and at the end of the day its the kids that should have the smiles on their faces. Noel
  5. Well done u guys, things like this is what makes being in the SIDC special
  6. Yet another fantastic acheivment by Scottish Scoobies, give yourselves a pat on the back one and all. The look on the kids faces makes it all worthwhile. I hope the other area santa cruises go as well as ours did today. Santa (one of them lol)
  7. Alan dont worry about getting lost, we make sure we all stick together
  8. Nice to see us gettig a bit of GOOD publicity.[*][*]
  9. Sorry guys cant make tonight due to work (Again) but theres a few MORE prezzies in my garage that just magically appeared (after a wee shopping trip last weekend lol) Im still on for sunday so if you could keep me a set of stickers il give you the money on sunday, but i dont think il be needing a blue santa hat []
  10. they musta just changed it cos when i looked the bidders ID was there, but its not now. its still a thundering bargain though []
  11. is that Thunder i can hear in the distance []
  12. note the highest bidder []
  13. and there was me thinking santa had came early [][]
  14. hope you remebered SIDC discount []
  15. musta been me you passed, i drive like miss daisey []
  16. I suppose i had better put my name down [] 1/ Ally-b 2/ Fai17 3/ imy 4/ squirrel 5/ STI Pretender 6/ mctwistuk 7/ st3ph3n 8/ Nanaki 9/ Alan-G and Fab1 10/GaryD & Lesley 11/ Karps
  17. wee bit of t-cut should do the trick []
  18. freezin there today but had a good day. Jools i must say your motor looked sweet drifting round the hairpin every lap, good entertainment.
  19. now available at st rollex in glasgow at 87.9
  20. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Boost-Switches-Water...1QQcmdZViewItem
  21. there was yes, even the wife commented on how many there was
  22. Driving down to Glasgow from my folks near stonehaven today and seen loads of scoobs including the Aberdeen team at Dundee. Gave a flash and a wave to the ones i noticed.[]
  23. Miss Daisy eh [][][]
  24. just back in and thawing out. Yet another great day at knockers with some nice machinery on show. Good to meet some new faces. i even managed to get some pax laps in (cheers stephen and fastscooby). Might even get a pax in blue thunder next time if the Q isnt too long [] Noel
  25. mummy mummy i hate daddys guts so leave them at the side of your plate then
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