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Everything posted by CAZ1562

  1. John, I'm fully de-catted on a mongoose system, its not that loud in my own ears but depends on their meters. Not taking any chances. Thanks for the offer though.
  2. Hi John, I didn't want to commit myself to going down on track to be told you're not allowed on due to noise reg's. A long way to travel to get told to F*ck off if you know what I mean.
  3. Merry Xmas to you all. Unfortunately I will be near a PC over the festive period since I'm working Never mind, roll on 19:00 on 25th when I finish my 12hr shift.
  4. Here's the reply I got from Sick Kids Foundation director Dear Derek I am so sorry thst I took so long to get round to this email. It is really kind of you and your friends at the Subaru Impreza Drivers Club to have raised a donation for us here at the Sick Kids and also to have gathered seven bags of toys!! We are absolutely delighted to receive your toys for the children who are here at Christmas and their siblings. Any which are unused will be given to children who have to spend their birthday in hospital, so your presents will bring happiness to many children and maybe for a large part of the year!! We will use you r kind donation, when it arrives for our Operating Theatre System Appeal. Below you will find an attachment hich gives all the details of that project, which is now coming close to its conclusion. Your gift will take us that bit closer to our final total! Thank you for your kindness and may i wish you and all members of the club a very Happy Christmas and new Year. Best wishes Maureen. Maureen Harrison Director Sick Kids Friends Foundation tel/fax 0131 668 4949 www.edinburghsickkids.org The Sick Kids Friends Foundation helps sick children get better by supporting the work of the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh, funding extra medical equipment, improving facilities, financing specialised research and training and providing a wide variety of extra comforts for our young patients and their families.
  5. Original Thread If you donated to the Santa Cruise (Scotland) via the club shop then please read this original post in the General Section and let me know your thoughts on this proposal. Thanks
  6. Keep me informed Dougster, I'd only be happy to give this car a run out. I'm working over the festive period too but will hope its not a constraint.
  7. Kev, A guy called Pat from London was up in Edinburgh for other business and I took advantage of this and got him to re-map my 1995 WRX. It cost me £250 and took a good 4-5 hours to make sufficient alterations in the correct direction. BTW - Thanks for the mail
  8. Cheers Kev, will get mail on Sunday morning Off today to have the ECU re-mapped
  9. Mmmmm always interested Kev. Send info here please Dougster, Get used to it
  10. Hi Kev, I am in contact with the Unity crew quite a lot, Dave McDonald, Pete Cracknill, Phil Reed, Tommy McGarrity, Jason Towns to name a few. I've been with BP since I left school, 13 years now and served my time as a Mech fitter. Moved into Process in 95 since there were no jobs in my trade and have now progressed to Control Room Tech for the past 5 years. The ex-Gmouth lads I know are Dougie Clark & Stuart Wynd, don't know what Forties fields they were posted on but they only moved out in Summer 2003. I'd love a posting offshore but haven't seen any recent ones, got a knockback from Marathon in May 2003. Have also been tempted with Azerbajian & Middle East but not too serious. I already hold my OPITO Offshore certificate and have visited the Forties, Brae, ETAP & unity installations as well as Shearwater & Elgin when they were in construction.
  11. So u with Apache ? I'm with BP down in grangemouth, looking after the offshore pipeline.
  12. Which platform you on Kev ?
  13. Would have jumped at the chance if it was this weekend or the 1st two weekends in December as I'm off.
  14. Sorry Dougster, I can't manage this one as I'm nightshift all weekend. We will catch up.
  15. Agreed, good cause - I'm nightshift next Friday but the santa cruise looks OK for me
  16. Good trip up and have managed to add another 180 miles onto the running in period for my engine. Really nice to meet a few guys unknown to me personally but nice to put names to faces. I wished I could have taken part but I'm sure there will be a next time Well done Pete. BTW - We'll get a cutter from work - I'll let you know how I get on.
  17. Cheers Johnny, I'm well relieved its all over.
  18. Hey Pete, The engine's a runner m8, ticking over sweet and no apparent leaks so far. Dead battery however so its gonna be on charge overnight. Got a few loose ends to sort out on Saturday then will pop over on Sunday.
  19. Will do Pete
  20. Pete, If I bring the pod over to Starr on Sunday do you think we could get it cut then ?
  21. Hey Pete, What do you use to cut out the 52mm holes on the pod. Got another gauge to fit
  22. I've removed myself since the rebuild has stuttered due to one problem then another, still hope to have the car running by the weekend and do hope to attend in some shape or form 1. Teknopete, "Big red" classic WRX hybrid bitchin thang 2. Dougster, White wagon 3. R6 CDW, sti8 4. drb5, rb5. 5. John, sti8 6. Bee 7. Coulster. UKturbo 8. Zander 9. SG72 10. Willie F, Sti 7 PPP 11. Dougie549 12. Gregg UK Turbo (trance) 13. Callum STi7 14. Dodge, STi2 15. WRXmania, 03 wrx 16. Dave Allan STI7
  23. It's looking not too good for me either I'm afraid, engine is still in bits and I've a few problems with the engine parts so I'm awaiting replacement gudgeon pin & piston ring. I'll see if the parts arrive early next week.
  24. UPDATE : Parts are getting delivered today or tomorrow
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