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Everything posted by CAZ1562

  1. I can see you're a tryer
  2. Sorry for the delay but I?ve still not come up with a venue for the above event. DRIVE Subaru Falkirk may have been able to host us, but due to the extensive building work they?ve got planned for after the festive period they cannot accommodate us. So please bear with me and I hope to have something organised before Xmas. Please could you also indicate if you are going to be attending this event on the date above. I realise the location hasn?t been finalised but its going to be in the Stirling/Falkirk region. Thanks & Merry Xmas (when it all arrives)
  3. Steven, That Saturday is a bad day as I have my daughter. Depending on where it was I would have made a trip over but with me being off that weekend I have my wee lass so I don't think I'd manage, sorry. As you'll notice from True Grip, there's a vacancy for the Ayrshire Regional Organiser. Why don't you put your name forward, then push to have details of any meets in the next issue and see what happens. Its worth a try, remember not many people use this bbs (as you'll notice with the lack of interest). Take it easy & enjoy Xmas
  4. Here you go Cameron, 01324 636504
  5. Now you are looking for a challenge I'm afraid this is where the organising part hits the skid's. Good Luck and keep trying
  6. Stefan, This is only open to SIDC members, thats the reason its posted in this forum.
  7. Done but could you e-mail me please so I can send you the info.
  8. Hi Lisa, 18 people have shown an interest already. It's looking good. I'd have to say the e-mail circulation certainly produces good feedback.
  9. Sorry John, got the troops to take on summer holiday and the budget is already stretched. Another time perhaps.
  10. Excellent news - DRIVE Falkirk are willing to offer discount on Parts, Labour & accessories for all current SIDC members. Please show your valid membership card when ordering parts/booking service etc. The rate of discount is at the discretion of DRIVE. We will also attempt to organise showroom visits/open days when the new MY2003 launch takes place in 1Q 2003. DRIVE management is also willing to offer any advice or technical assistance etc to any member who requires it. Just speak to Derek MacRae (sales exec) or Bill Dean (After sales GM). Once the building work is complete, each section of the workshop will split into separate areas as mentioned above giving each manufacturer its own work bays.
  11. Date confirmed as Thursday 16th January 2003 starting at 19:00. The venue is still to be confirmed. Please email me at derek@sidc.co.uk if you are interested and this will allow me to keep you up to date with the latest developments. Thanks
  12. Not a lot of feedback here, I'm gonna discuss with Police a date in January and send details to Lisa to enter into the next True Grip. Hopefully I'll get more feedback then
  13. Latest - Drive will be reconstructing their dealership very soon. The Subaru showroom will be replacing the Nissan showroom at the Shell end of the building. The existing workshop (in the middle at present)is being converted into the Nissan showroom. At the rear of the building a new "All-In-One" workshop is being built to house all 3 manufacturer's, Rover, Subaru & Nissan. As for the technical side of things, they currently employee 2 dedicated Subaru fully trained technician's. One of whom has been on the STi approved training course. Do not be too concerned at leaving your pride & joy with the mechanic for it to be driven by the "geek" 17 yr old boy racer. Company policy only allow the experienced mechanic/driver to ever roadtest your Impreza. I've a meeting early next week to attempt to arrange discount for SIDC members and see what open days they could also help with. They also recognise the lack of Subaru support in this area and are willing to offer quality service at very competitive prices compared to T&C Perth etc. I hope this helps build up your confidence in this new dealership (remember it takes time to build up a trustworthy name) WATCH THIS SPACE !!!!!!
  14. No takers ??????? I need to let the Police know an idea on the numbers interested. I'm going to delay this till the next issue of True Grip, then see if I get a much greater response that way. C'mon show some interest. The club needs it's members to help make these freebie's possible.
  15. I had a visit today from Central Scotland Police's Traffic Sergeant who is helping organise this event. We intend to limit the numbers attending this to 20-25 members. Please e-mail me if you are interested in attending. I need to confirm numbers and the Police are going to put a presentation together. Venue - Will be chosen to accomodate the people attending (Stirling area - May be at Police HQ) Date & Time - Once we know what interest we have. ***** Copy of Letter sent to Central Scotland Polce (Stirling) on 07/10/02 ***** Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Derek Carswell and I am the Central Scotland Regional Organiser for the above club. As part of our involvement within the club as volunteers, we attempt to plan some events throughout the year with various sports/activities. The club actively runs successful track days at Fife?s Knockhill Racing Circuit, Karting in Edinburgh and recently a very successful charity fundraiser at Knockhill getting £375 for the Sport Relief Charity which BP in Grangemouth doubled. I am writing to ask if Central Scotland Police could offer advice to some of our Scottish members in the approaching winter months on safer driving or defensive driving techniques. If you can help in any way then please do not hesitate to contact me on the address above. Yours sincerely Derek Carswell SIDC Central Scotland R.O. ***** End *****
  16. *** This is the posting Grant Swan (prop. AWD Motorsport Perth) has posted on Scoobynet *** A W D Motorsport will be holding its next S.I.D.C open day on the 26th of Oct between 10am & 4pm. Dave and Micky will be offering free engine diagnostic checks and will be showing customers how to carry out day to day maintenance on there cars. << FREE >> tea and buns. Edited to add time
  17. Its been in the last 3 or 4 copies of True Grip, but never any response. Watch this space though
  18. Hey Tud, u can use the edit facility to add text in you're post thats blank, give it a try, its easy m8 Watch this space - Awaiting feedback for a possible Winter activity.
  19. Tud, You'll find this event is on the 28th September which is a Saturday morning. Starts at 0900 and ends 1300. Knockhill is the venue. Weather......well I can't predict that but Knockhill has a habit of moisture
  20. John, Do you have dates for this event ?
  21. God, what an awful thing to happen, especially going to an event as prestigious as that. I'm sure you'll go back next year and enjoy. I wished I could have attended this event too. As they say, there's always a next time. Hope the wheels are back repaired and you're mobile again.
  22. Well - How was it ??
  23. Mmmm, boat + 16hrs = relaxing......Does these two items go I'd be hanging over the side puking, now thats not what I call relaxing.
  24. I found pricing the ferry from Rosyth is pretty expensive. You'd be quicker & cheaper driving to Dover if considering this trip IMHO. I was looking at attending the European GP next year and had priced everything and I'm sure the saving for driving to Dover instead of the Rosyth ferry was about £150 IIRC. Plus over the whole journey, the time you'd save would have been around 10-12 hrs as that ferry takes 16hrs single trip. You could drive to Dover, take Channel tunnel or Seacat then drive into Belgium quicker as well. Its a brilliant idea though. Don't know if its worth considering the trip to incorporate the GP as well? Its the last weekend in June 2003.
  25. OK everyone - There's a joint meeting happening between groups of Subaru owners from Glasgow, Perth and surrounding Central Scotland on Sunday Sept 15th. the intention is to meet in Glasgow, Stirling & Perth then converge on Balloch (South Loch Lomond) then head for a sight-seeing trip of some fashion. Details are no 100% concrete but surely some of you guys/girls must be interested !!!! If so drop a note below if you fancy joining in. Some other info is available here on Scoobynet See you next week.
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