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Everything posted by CAZ1562

  1. I'd say no problem whatsoever, if we get it regular and rotate the meeting points then we could accomodate a lot of people.
  2. No e-proms = No CAZ1562 on the rollers
  3. I'm thinking of over in the Livingston direction, due to most people coming from Edinburgh area that have shown an interest, its also handy for M8 (Glasgow people) EvoJkp - Whats the place you used last month for the SN meet - Was it Whitburn ?
  4. He did promise me it would be sent out real soon.
  5. Pete, I called Pat on Friday afternoon, I had called him on Thursday but he never returned the call, he's been busy setting up someone elses car and been away from home for a while.
  6. Mmmm its not looking good m8, for BR2 or me unless Pat's fingers out
  7. Pete, Still no chips yet Just called Pat and he has again apologised He hopes to have these in the post next week !!!!
  8. Good Good Good
  9. Is it Saturday 13rd March ???
  10. Whats the date of this Grant ?
  11. I had my WRX with 2 pots on the sprint track at Kames and never had any problems but that was only for 95-100 seconds and to be fair its not like you can brake from 100mph to 35mph during that day like you would have to at Knockhill's hairpin. You'll find you run the risk of warping the current disks and suffering from mega fade if you were to push her on a little.
  12. Wassup Dougster, Have you given up with the white wagon m8 ? BTW - Did you manage to get hold of Martin ?
  13. Very good m8, easy will do.
  14. Sounds excellent, but unfortunately I'll be on my annual holidays then
  15. Hi Brian, This concept was sucessfully used back in 1995 when I was the Scottish events organiser with the [Phsst mode on] Vauxhall Car Club [Phsst mode off]. The Police came to a meet we had arranged in Stirling and gave us hints and tips for normal day2day driving, winter driving care & techniques and brought a few goodies (pens, ice scrappers, leaflets etc). That day we were very fortunate to be given a small hurl in the back of the car for 10 mins seeing how the driver conducts himself on the road, with regard to position, observations etc AKA ROADCRAFT. I had tried to arrange this last year but it went a bit Pete Tong and I couldn't get a venue sorted out in time. However this will be better organised for the Autumn 2004. However I can give you a hint that no driving practicles will be available this time. (new policies I believe).
  16. OK guys/gals. Need to get my finger out this year and get some meets arranged. Due to work/family commitments last year nothing was planned so I aim to do things this year. I'd like to arrange a few pub meets, a few runs, a go-kart event & get the Police Winter driving techniques chat/meet arranged for the Autumn. I also would like to get the backing from DRIVE Subaru Falkirk to host the Police event (as long as the planned dealership refurbishment is completed in time) How would Sunday 22nd February suit for our 1st meet. Not sure where would be the best place to meet, Stirling, Falkirk, Dunfermline, Cumbernauld & Livingston are all 20-30 minutes away. Nothing to stop us rotating the meeting location over the year. Please post your interest here. Edited to add - My website will also carry details of any future meets.
  17. << Nah mate, I'll take my chances on E shift. Some dodgy characters on B shift >> Welcome back from yer 10 days John I'll have to have a chat with a few KG boyz on b shift for a swap then.
  18. Pete, The MotoGP UK round was provisionally 10/11th of July but was moved when the F1 British GP was moved to 4th July. This was all to do with other major sporting events, Wimbledon & Euro 2004 IIRC. Donington MotoGP was then re-organised to 24/25th of July.
  19. Scottish Rally Championship website Useful link for Scottish Rally followers
  20. Hi Pete, I'm still awaiting the e-proms for my ECU, spoke with Pat on Friday night and he hopes to have them sent up this week. Will keep my eye closely on this thread, will probably pop up anyhow.
  21. It looks like Forfar, Errol or Perth are the one's nearest you. Errol being the closest I'd imagine.
  22. Chris, You're better checking out the Subaru UK website. Subaru Dealers in Soctland
  23. or get a swap onto B shift
  24. Excellent news John, I'm off 3/4 dates which is a complete bonus. 20th March - Yippee Weekend off - Rangers match in the afternoon. 29th May - Yippee Weekend off 24th July - Away to Moto GP Donington 11th Sept - Yippee Weekend off
  25. Oh dear, so sorry to hear this m8, at least you walked away !!!! Hope you get it repaired soon.
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