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Everything posted by CAZ1562

  1. I've amended this topic to show the event is cancelled & deleted your CANCELLED post Chris
  2. I read this on the BBC news website, very sad thing indeed.
  3. Click on the yellow/orange padlock then a pop-up appears. Type the send
  4. There's one in the Falkirk area that I've seen a few times.
  6. << I've got a 2001 Bugeye WRX in blue. >> ......and the rest
  7. Hi Martin, I might have the dude's number that fitted my tracker. If not speak with Gregor, I gave him the number when he got his wagon. PS - How's the car going (except for the battery issue)
  8. The guy who bought my car is probably after the P1 look-a-like for the 93-98 version
  9. Could be crank oil seal (on the oil pump), other possibilities are sump or rocket gasket. Get it up on a ramp, clean the area with some rags then start her up, then look carefully in the area with a lamp to hopefully see the offending leak. I hope its that easy to spot William.
  10. By the looks of things Derek, Paul is in Dundee going by his profile
  11. I'd have thought so, my fiancee's Fiat got 10bhp just for having the SIDC tax disc holder
  12. Excellent footage, I like that look, its better in the flesh than those artists impressions from Auto Car etc etc
  13. Sympathy for ya Derek, IIRC this isn't the first time you've had this sort of hassle.
  14. John - Details also listed on the SIDC website
  15. Happy Birthday
  16. CENTRAL REGION HI SOOB ---- Perth aarongr - stirling Wilky----- Stirling, but soon Texas Sti-Zlv Matt Dunblane rallye 6 - stirling area. Weeb - Falkirk sheep - Kincardine CAZ1562 - Falkirk GLASGOW Dougster keap scooby micra_wrc...........Glasgow TheSquirrel555...Paisley Gumball..............Glasgow S Swiggi-------------Glasgow W Mrs S6CUB..........Glasgow W Bing....................Glasgow W CORSA................Glasgow S ANDYJDMSTI.......Glasgow WRC No 1............Paisley scoobiemadburd ..Paisley ~ ~ Cal ~ ~.........Glasgow W Playsatan.............Glasgow E Karps...................Bishopbriggs Chrissy................Bishopbriggs Fai17...................Paisley Marc29................Paisley Campbell.............Paisley Stringy................Bishopbriggs AYRSHIRE Scoobay TAYSIDE AND ANGUS Technopete jc scoob.........wellbank scoobykev.....Dundee/Forfar EDINBURGH AND LOTHIANS Spooks ImprezaPete ScoobyAndy WRXMANIA (Brian) Neofox (Ian) Road Warrior (John) pmacFTO - Livingston HIGHLANDS AND ABERDEENSHIRE jools ~ ~ Cal ~ ~.........Aberdeen S Miss Scooby - Highlands Gee Wr1 - Highlands Powerjunkie, Aberdeen Carl, Turriff steve_nairn_sti - Nairn
  17. yeah its a good road but its often used my walkers, cyclists and farmers
  18. yip - tickets booked for 5pm on Thursday
  19. I got my copy from TESCO for £29.87
  20. << Yes thats wat they do.Check your plate and if you've no tax etc your nicked.When mot computerisation comes on line they'll check that too. >> Yip this is an excellent idea - We were stopped between Xmas & New Year at one of those roadside checks, the guy radio'd in the reg number and within 60 seconds I heard our Insurance details and owner details. I was gobsmacked as we didn't know they held such data. Sort out the MOT's and that means the illegal's out there are running a bigger risk if stopped.
  21. yip m8 I am a Lance wannabie Work to home is 8 miles in 25 mins m8 so it ain't too bad, only thing is Lance would so it in 15 lol Ur car sounds very nice
  22. No probs BTW I spotted you twice tonight posing. I was the cyclist that was pulling onto the roundabout at the Falkirk Stadium around 18:50 ish tonight as you were heading up to Falkirk, you then passed me as I went up the bypass at the Sports Complex around 19:10
  23. I've got one Neil, it was MarkySan's which he gave me to fit but I sold the car before doing it. As he's also sold his Impreza I'm sure he won't mind you trying it out. Dunno if it'll fit but you can always try it.
  24. 1. keap scooby, h/cap 16 2. Wilky, h/cap 3 3. Matt h/cap 28 ( just started ) 4. Derek, h/cap 20 I'm a member at Bridgend near Linlithgow, nice wee 9 hole course too so you could include that to your list of possible courses
  25. Just started for real last year, handicap of 20 after handing 3 cards in. Still to break 90
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