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Everything posted by p1ggm

  1. Andy has mapped mine twice, and no complaints here, car pulls great, and is really nice to drive
  2. todd i had themodel before that, was a great bit of kit, and imo better screen that the pioneer i have now, cheaper too
  3. they are very sneaky on that road, we normally go to costco up in aberdeen, what they do it place the camera van somewhere...then in the next layby have the cop car, hoping you have speeded up after the van, either that or you get done twice in a matter of yards also seen them on the flyovers too so they get both sides of traffic
  4. 1. Col 666 2. P1 ggm 3.boxerboy what about in camperdown park?? big car park and out of the way?
  5. thats what i thought but says its all over the sound deadning stuff under the bonnet too? but the stuff does smell bad
  6. i dunno what would be oily and that colour, closest thing would be antifreeze that colour but shouldent be oily
  7. 1. Col 666 2. P1 ggm where we gonna meet??
  8. i cant tomorrow night, make it next tuesday or something
  9. cant remember the size, i got ones that are a wee bit smaller, easy to fit, door panels take seconds to pop off
  10. i am a wee bit north of the D
  11. i change mine, wasnt too bad at all, the standard scoob speakers are terrible i would like Bose in mine but just have JBLs at the mo to tie in with the subs etc i have
  12. if its a good lockup i would just disconect the battery, maybe crack the windows down a touch to let air in, and cover it with a good car cover
  13. ok will find the pics i have later, you dont need to drill any holes, all mounting points are already on the car
  14. that porsche looks very very much like my bosses old car, but it didnt have the front fogs, very good car if it is
  15. why hasnt anyone replied to the original thread on scoobynet rather than on here, as thats where the post is sitting? also why not try and get someone from greers on here for there say? its only fair i suppose
  16. get a photobucket account, they will host the pics and then you just copy and paste the links
  17. sorry i took the pics off ages ago, i can post them again if anyone needs them
  18. is that not where you got yours?? you had problems?
  19. fancy fitting mine...and a turbo, i would have a go but to scared i would break something is it a bad job?
  20. yeah i do, he said 2 counts of bad mapping at a garage thats used by folk on here
  21. could you have a fualty sensor or something? my old GTE used to do that and i could never find the fault
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