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Everything posted by p1ggm

  1. thats why i aint getting in the 11s at crail, damn diet time
  2. ta just mailed him as i cant see one in the online shop, and this laptop is taking ages to display anything thanks
  3. think i am gonna go for an sx from ggr but they aint cheap,but at lease i wont have to worry about it
  4. i dont think the road angel does anything apart from bleep at random times, mine was a complete waste of money, only works on gatsos
  5. i would say a classic, imo the new ones are all a bit soft on corners which is why i got the tein springs
  6. looks good, i was thinking about one too
  7. I touch goats, or see Russ, he does quite a few cars on here theres always town and county
  8. looking to get one to go with the walbro 255, was thinking about a fse, but after doing some research i have been put off, so i am looking ta a sard one now, anyone running one, or is there any others i should be looking at?
  9. mates p1 just blew up a few weeks ago, think its got under 40k on it
  10. dont think you will need the pump with just that fitted, i am still running the standard one, althou i do have a 255 sitting in the spare room
  11. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/STUNNING-SUBARU-IMPR...1QQcmdZViewItem i like wagons normally
  12. has anyone tryed to launch a 6 speed in 2nd?? as first gear is a waste of time, would the gearbox take it?
  13. had this in for an MoT today how cool is this Looks simple enough 195k mint engine bay but wait keep waiting nearly there ................. honest its worth the wait ....................... TADA
  14. hoping to be here in the scoob, althou jodi will be stealing my bank card 24hrs before i go. if i take the astra can you guys fit a gt30 to it please??
  15. will hopefully make it, either way both cars have a turbo[]
  16. no tried since having the front mount, but i find 5-5.5k get a wee bit wheelspin but you get off the line well, unlike when i went up against jc and bogged down and was totally gutted, i think classics can launch better down the revs over the new age ones last time at crail was a waste of time so i was launching at 6-7k and having fun going sideways off the line
  17. very cool, is there enough airspace for the subs? are they sealed boxes?
  18. i aint paying for the coilovers, a nice insurance company is
  19. yeah i hope its all on soon, other half keeps moaning about the kitchen filled with mini parts and the spare room filled with scoob parts hopefully have the car siting on coilovers soon too
  20. dunno yet, cars still off the road, it was 350 pre incedent, and i have a lot of bits in the house waiting for it to come back to me, hoping for 380....ish when its done
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