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Everything posted by p1ggm

  1. dunno if i will be there, have a big run planned for sunday so trying to save some cash/fuel plus are all the spaces not booked?
  2. What did he do 1.PADDY 2.COL 3. Gordon
  3. haha damn subaru drivers think they own the road
  4. you cant see the angry woman merc 4x4 driver in the background wondering why someone was hanging out the window of a golf at 70mph
  5. thats me on the way back...totally knackered, even with sleeping for an hour in the place
  6. haha col i forced my way out at about four i think the woman talked to me like a piece of sh!t even thou 2 seconds before hand i was told i could go so it was on with the flamer to annoy her it was a total joke today and i wont be going back to another one
  7. we done the same on the way back col, got some really good shots of the car
  8. Chris i had a look at that link, cheap pads, but it doesnt say which make. have you used them before? http://www.speedways.co.uk/shop/en-gb/pad1391.htm
  9. hmmmm doesnt sound good i have mintex on just now anywhere online cheap for them, as i am gonna keep them in the boot just incase my pads go at knocky
  10. are they any good?? looking to change mine soon as they have done a few miles now
  11. the standard speakers are terrible, i changed my headunit, and within 20 mins blew all four speakers
  12. Col that escort mk 4 cosworth was stunning, that nice deep blue paint...whale tail and tribal graphics, what more do you want
  13. yup thats the one grant, also known as Garys 24 hr Garage Services fun starts at 830 as usual
  14. yeah just say when and i will be out oh and col we will be out this week, same place and time if you are about Smokie i had a day off on friday...was down seeing andy f, and stopped in at dd on the way home, i didt see you
  15. i am easy, but normally out wed nights why not make it a sunday night like the last one? and go for a wee run
  16. Grant you claim to fame for the day thou must be beating the 328 , the BMW is so quiet up the strip, and pretty damn quick for a diesel
  17. yeah some really nice pics col, when will they be on the site?
  18. ginge engine wise i have very little done compared to most on here, still on standard cutch, turbo, headers etc but i am happy with it so far
  19. ta ginge, i think i seen you pas a few times, but i am useless with names etc should have stopped and had a run with you, even thou i think i was slowest subaru of the day
  20. haha grant have you seen f&f doesnt matter if you win by an inch or a mile lol had a good day for ar$ing about on the 1/4 but no good time attacks
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