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Everything posted by p1ggm

  1. track was as greasy as a fish supper, i got a 14 dead pmsl had good fun though trying to put the power down, maybe i should have lowered my tyres as they are running pretty hard
  2. BMW is stunning, just remember no 4wd...so watch out in the wet
  3. yeah had a wee meet, done some work on hos' P1 in the 24hr garage also did some planning on kevs 172 and had to jump start Garys courtesy car, all in all a good night and NO neds
  4. Daz did you not see a bit in the courier the other week, someone has put forward an application to start a motorsport complex up by montrose i think it was.....fingers crossed as crail althou fun, is rough as fack
  5. yeah papa joes is good or my favorite clarks 24 hr bakery, get a steak roll
  6. i like it but i am not sure about the rear spoiler on it
  7. i know Daz, its annoying as i want to know what it will run, but the guy is a pr1ck and ****ed sjc about twice now for our day..at least we have knocky now, and i am trying to find another track too
  8. i will be there, dunno if i am running yet, with it bein a mag day it will be mobbed
  9. not sure about it, has some nice bits thou, and looks like its had a lot of money thrown at it rice going by your sig is yours the silver bugeye?? it looks good in the mag
  10. i dont know, i like sigs as they can be away to get to know folk/car/interests i understand it cant be easy if using a pda psp etc, tbh i have never used any of them but i understand the screen is tiny. is there not an option to run without seeing sigs/pics etc?
  11. Congrats Kev, is there something in the air down your way?? JC and You.....as long as it doesnt make its way north
  12. mine in soon too and then if i get hold of andy f i will get it mapped again too
  13. I also back Gumball, I dont see why people cant have a say about the services of garages if they have had a bad service, but its ok to say if you had a great service i know there is legal issues but i dont see why it should be aimed at sidc when its the comments on an individual and not the views of the club? anyway with this thread most people will still see Gumball got a bad deal from them as they are mentioned in the title
  14. i will be there, so i better start saving as i know there will be something good to buy
  15. glad all is ok JC someone must have been watching out for you
  16. i have seen in movies etc they say imagine the people naked....but i dont know if you want to do that
  17. if you cnt get it done in edin, give me a shout an i can get it on a ramp and have it done in ten minutes
  18. could you send me a link please? i have a piece of carbon i was going to use as a rear diffuser, and make up an alloy undertray, but just not had the time to yet
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