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Everything posted by p1ggm

  1. everyone has good/bad experiences with garages, and each to there own, last week at knocky i heard someone slate Andy Fs mapping[] whick i was shocked to hear, i am a big andy fan and have had no problems with his maping
  2. yeah i was surprised as there hasnt been a bad word on here
  3. yup good to see him get 3rd, cape was class too
  4. Den fitting in a new age is simple, i have luke harnesses and can unhook them when i need to as i still have all the seat belts in, could show you/give you a hand if your close, or if your at crail next week pop over and have a nosey
  5. no probs, did it to mine as i have harnesses too
  6. i am plannign a projector in the loft...with a bar, and the other half said yes to it...so the scooby bar will be open asap and screenings of all the greats will be shown too
  7. i find with the LCD if your playing playstation etc the colours can drag on fast moving things, plasma doesnt seem to do that drb never noticed anything like that on mine, but its gonna make me look more now[] mine is a hitachi
  8. A RWD classic mini thats the plan for mine when my garage is built, just need to get my hands on a cheap smashed Busa
  9. i have a 42 plasma in the livingroom and an lcd in the bedroom plasma gets my vote[] great for my special dvd colection
  10. just disconect the block connector under the seat
  11. if a 2003 sti one will fit you can have my original one, its no use to me now, and its just lying in the loft
  12. Good luck suppose a STI is a great car for someone whos just passed there test i know a couple of folk who have been in the same boat as you, utter sh1t i think, as soon as you pass that should be it
  13. dunno what the original ones look like, if its just rubber it should prise off
  14. are they drill on, or do they have the little bars that run along the back of the pedal? either way they shouldent be too bad a job, if its drill on ones then they can be a bit of a pain depending on fitment, fitted drill on ones to my old gte, wasnt too bad ones with bars at rear, would be better if you were a mutant with 3 hands tbh, but again, not too bad if you are local and need a hand, just shout
  15. glue and double sided tape will sort them out[] they should be pretty easy, not fitted them ones before but have fitted similar ones in previous cars
  16. how much are you looking to spend and what age, there is loads of scoobies kicking about, check sale section and sale section on scoobynet
  17. 1. Paddy247 Scooby. 2. RS Grant No Scooby 3. Oz *sti* Scooby 4.dtabbit77 Scooby 5Shaun_O'Donnell Scooby 6 scientific steve Scooby 7. mctwistuk Scooby 8. P1ggm Scooby, plus about 6 wee scoobies(do they count too)
  18. hahahaha and some chav nicked the trophy before knocky had a chance to hand it to me
  19. thats if i finish it, still open to sell if if the right offer comes along, if not then its on will all the bits, and might add some gas too for the 1/4 mile
  20. was a good day, and for some reason i got sunburnt
  21. lololololol good to see political correctness That chav lass they sent in first wont last long tourttes guy gets my vote
  22. i like the rear diffuser, but dont really like the rest tbh agree about the wheels too, they look tiny compared to the arches
  23. i was told 3k for 200miles then take it up 500 rpm for every 100 after that car has been great and puts out good power for being standardish
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