Welcome back mate. You're braver than me!! If I went to Viet Nam theres no way you'd get me trying their food [+o(] Glad you had a good time other than that [H]
I'm getting exactly the same Barry, if I get an error message now I'm just using the links to go back to the forum page and the post is always there. Hopefully its just teething problems of the new software and will be sorted in a few days.[]
<< have you considered the ninja exhaust . has a better exhaust note than afterburner and is cheaper. bought one of these myself and am well happy with it. >>
Thats a matter of opinion. I've got an afterburner and it's the dogs danglies. Personally I think it sounds better than the ninja.
Thats sh*t news Granby. How many coppers were in the bus? If it was only one and he has no hard evidence then its your word against his and I'm sure any decent brief will get you a minimal fine and three points if not get you off.
When you post a reply attach the photo to the reply then type in >img border=0 src="http://forums.sidc.co.uk/attachments//cazplate.JPG" /< replacing cazplate with the name of your file and turning the chevrons at either end of the line the other way around.
Hope this helps