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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. 1.gtb ltd 2. scoobytoo 3. Dalthegooner 4.Deano666 5.Baser999 6.Daisy
  2. Evenin' [sn] [sn]
  3. 1. Dalthegooner 2 x t-shirts 1 medium and 1 extra large
  4. Nice one. Hopefully my Smiths will have it [H]
  5. There are ways around the cat test to fool the system.....[] Like the emissions from another car, the computer doesn't know which exhaust its getting shoved up []
  6. With a forum name like daisy I hope she's not worried as well Tony [][][]
  7. Markie don't take it out on the P/O fpms@ you. thanks for drawing my attention to this, it was intended for DEANS knee caps[][] Fu*k the baseball bat Markie, I'll get the shotgun [][][]
  8. 1.gtb ltd 2. scoobytoo 3. Dalthegooner
  9. Barry, definately go for the Nike approach mate []
  10. I signed up a while ago too. Not gona hold my breath though about whether it gets anywhere or not though. The oil companies are so big now that I have serious reservations about wehether or not there could ever be a consumer group big enough to actually make a differenc [:S].
  11. Sounds like you all had a good day [H] while I was stuck in work [:'(]. Hopefully I'll be there for the next one [][Y]
  12. PMSL [] Brings a whole new meaning to dual controls []
  13. Someones just posted an interesting comment in the general forum.How do you operate the stalks for indicators, windscreen wipes etc? []
  14. I keep looking at this to see if its a joke. WTF is definately right, surely this can't be a legal conversion [:^)][:S]
  15. I've got a VTA dump valve and have no problems either. Have you tried putting the re-circ valve back on to see if the dump valve is definately the cause of the problem.
  16. Welcome to the forum James. You'll find they're a nice friendly bumch on here [] Mostly []
  17. At a guess I'd say that when the MANU light is on then the gearbox is to be used like a manual. Put it in 1 boot the arse off it and click the gearstick up to 2 when your revs are screaming and so on instead of just having it in drive. I'd say that this gives you better acceleration and more control when booting it as you are in control of the gears instead of the gearbox.
  18. Welcome to the forum Sue [] Sorry got no idea where the AT MANU switch is. Or what it is for that matter [:$]
  19. Good to hear mate [H]
  20. Hello mate and welcome to the madhouse []
  21. That was a great result boys. Won't be long and you'll be doing a few rounds of the BRC [H]
  22. Nice pictures J-K. Looks like a qualitty weekend [H]
  23. I'll soon need at least two tyres. The front is getting well twitchy but they are not yet under the legal limit. If there is an ESC day there in March I might be up for going then.
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