Gutted I missed it [] Worked till late on Sunday night to finish wiring the kitchen lights and then got up late (As usual) and rushed my boll*x off getting everything ready, booted down the M2 with my mate behind me and his motor decides to overheat and shed its water everywhere. Get off the M2 at junction 6 and as we're scratching our heads on how to get the car home a long line of scoobies boot past on the motorway (Wonder why they were late []) and then an AA patrol turns up, helps us get off of the slip road and joins my mate up (Filling in the forms for the day before so that he can call them out there and then and not have to pay the £50 they normally charge for calling them out within the first 24 hours (What a very nice man [])) Then after calling the AA and waiting for them to turn up half of the day is gone so with the kids restless and us pi*sed off we come home and miss what would have been a great day out.