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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Was thinking about Brighton myself [Y] You can take some quite good routes on the twisties to Brighton [Y]
  2. Thats a long day Mark [] You didn't fall asleep on the job did you? [][]
  3. Happy belated birthday mate. Hope you had a good one [^][Y][]
  4. Silver classic in Dartford town centre yesterday about 6.15pm. Smile mate, it won't hurt. Silver new age by co-op near the orange tree pub. [Y]
  5. And the fact that her red scooby is now a convertible [][][] Her new red scooby isn't YET [au] Thought her new one was silver [:$] I'll get my coat [:$][]
  6. And the fact that her red scooby is now a convertible [][][]
  7. Sorry Dean (Head like a sieve syndrome again [:$]) Cheque will definately be in the post tomorrow
  8. PMSL [] rumbled [][]
  9. Nope. Never heard of it either [:$] What a well travelled man I am [][]
  10. .....though you may be far away, we still love you []
  11. Cheers that would be helpful [Y] I second that. Nice one Andy [Y]
  12. It'll change by then [:S]
  13. Hello mate and welcome to the madhouse []
  14. Looking good Dean [H]
  15. It didn't get it right all of the time but more often than not. Spoooky []
  16. www.vidilife.com is free and easy
  17. Is that HAYWARD AND SCOTT???lol PMSFL []
  18. Nice pics Mark [H]
  19. That web address is for sale Mark [] Did a bit of searching and its here[] Admission costs are £12 and can be found here
  20. Fingers crossed but knowing them money grabbing cu*ts we're in for a big tax rise. The only way they diferentiate between anything on such a level is if it concerns money that will actually come out of their own pockets (IE beer and wine will be going up but spirits won't) [:@]
  21. Have you got a link for any info on the day Mark?
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