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Everything posted by heazille

  1. Evening Dudes, Another fine day ere on the rock!! Must cut the grass Must cut the Must cut Must Sure i was sposed to do something this affy Ta Ta Richard
  2. Evening all, Just got home and logged on. Noticed now have 2mbps in Douglas Good ole ManxNet Ta Ta Richard
  3. Morning Dudes, Had a drop of rain last night then!! Ta Ta Richard
  4. Richard Margy Graeme Helen James John Nix Graihagh Andy Dave Richard Val
  5. Morning Duuuuuuuuuuuuudes Another Grand(ish) day Ta Ta Richard
  6. Got the latest one in now guys n gals Ta Ta Richard
  7. << and it has just ran out of its warranty >> How far out of warranty? As it's a known fault, can you not push for 'a goodwill gesture' Ta Ta Richard
  8. Evening All, Yep still meeting on sunday. Could do with a few more though!! Ta Ta Richard
  9. mORNING dUUUUUUUUUUDES Orf up an away now, See ya Tuesday Au Revoir Richard
  10. << I suppose it's obvious where the money for the high petrol prices is going >> Aye Neil, £8 out of every £10 goes straight to Donald Gelling & the Treasury You only live once and i reckon in 10 years time i wont be able to wear the boots or drive me scooby Ta Ta Richard
  11. Afternoon Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes, Fed up with all this boat travelling So next time i go away am gonna fly instead That'l be tommorrow then for Margies Birthday!!(Sunday) Bonjour Paris Ta Ta Richard
  12. Sorry to hear about that John, Our thoughts are with his family. Richard & Margaret
  13. Evening Dudes, Wot a sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet day Tired though out last night on the Ben and back his affy on the Ben, made it by 10 minutes Worth it though!! Ta Ta Richard
  14. Theres dozen's an Dozens of imports here on the rock. Mainly cos we have insurance company that aint got its head in the sand. Paul at southcoast looks after most of them but the 'New' dealer will not touch them. You could always do what i did!! Anyway, get a jap one, also consider that there are a lot already here for sale!! Welcome to the forum btw, are you going to come out with us at our next meet?, will be plenty of peeps about to talk too then. Switch your 'pm' on as well then i can get your 'e' mail address Ta Ta Richard
  15. Good & So So weekend, Good, as in Tracey is now settled into her Freshers fortnight!!! and today been offered place on main course that she wanted & not foundation jobby. So So, as in saw vet today, 6months wait for another 2 exploratory ops on knees, Right one, for keyhole camera Again and knee cap 'Realignement' Left one, Keyhole camera and biopsy to check for pnvs, as this may be causing swelling of joint and could delay knee replacement and to use the Vets own words, @The Knee is Knackered'!! Oh btw, best bit is both ops gonna be done on same day!! Poor old Margy Ta Ta Richard
  16. Evening Dudes, Just got back on too the 'Rock'. By Eck it was a tad rough coming over Ta Ta Richard
  17. evening dudes, grand day in crewe, tiddz is in her uni flat, nice new place. tata richard
  18. << Thinking of dropping into Demon Tweeks >> You be carefull Andy, it gets VERY expensive going down to Wrexham ( worked @ tweeks for 12months few years back) Ta Ta Richard
  19. An Den Morning
  20. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttttttt Morning, nearly Ta Ta Richard
  21. << mind you you did look a tad rough >> did she ever, especially when dave started the boom boot up ps, found me camera Ta Ta Richard
  22. Amended Manx Munchie Meet Sunday 2nd October 11:30am meet @ the grandstand, then orf for Sunday Roast an Ice cream for pudding (subject to the weather) Best start the list off again then, Richard Margy
  23. << usual partner in crime! >> I can confirm that DaveK was in charge on sunday Nice photo's andy Ta Ta Richard
  24. Morning Dudes, Another Sweet Day Ta Ta Richard
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