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Everything posted by heazille

  1. Switch yer pm on Nicky please
  2. The Stand is, Lower end of the grandstand, On the first piece of grass at the Main pedestrian access. Right next to the Loos' & The Manx Carvery (NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Neil) Saturday weather possibly iffy,but sundays is looking good, AND we have a friendly tent next door for when (sorry if) it rainsAT Auto Electrical As it right by one of the main entrances, should be a great spot See you all there 2moz Ta Ta Richard & Dave
  3. Have replied mate, but its up to you, Wopp has said he will fill your place so we will not be short. Ta Ta Richard
  4. Anyone else want to sqeeze in on sunday Ta Ta Richard
  5. << Will you be e-mail us on where the stand is Richard??? >> As long as they let me know!! tata Richard
  6. Right Guys n Gals, Dave and I have now decided which ,where,when etc etc Saturday 10th September DaveK Heazille Andi 555 Pobiom Sunday 11th September Heazille DaveK Wopp Quiet Andy Show times are as follows, all display cars must be on site by 9:30 am and can leave at 5pm. Can i suggest we aim for 9:00 to 9:15 at the very latest please(give's you time for the final polishing) I am still waiting for the info pack with the stand details on, when recieved i will let you know exactley where we are. Please ensure i have your 'e' mail address please (Q Andy & Pobiom) Thanks we'll see all the rest of you there Ta Ta Richard & Dave
  7. Evening all, Looks like Dave and I for both days and the other 4 split over two days then. Unless we get any more nominations! Just to make it a bit easier for us, are ALL the nominated cars available over both days, or is there a particular day you would prefer. I have the SIDC banner & flag in the boot of my car to bring back and use. Who else is gonna be about, the more the merrier, praPs i should bring the barby down, wot ya reckon? Ta Ta Richard & Dave (somewhere drunk oop north with steve!!) AINT IT AMAZING WHAT PEOPLE CAN DO WITH PHOTOSHOP, CREATE ALSORTS OF FICTIONAL PHOTOS
  8. Ok, so far we have 6 cars nominated for 4 spaces over two days Dave (Bling) Richard (Blue) Andy (Salmon) Andi (Blue) Wopp (White) Pobiom (Black) Anyone else interested in putting there cars on before we decide? Going by the cars we have so far, we are still short of a Wagon and a few different colours. Ta Ta Richard & Dave
  9. Morning Dudes, What a grand day A new month & A new Dawn for us Ta Ta Richard
  10. << But with it being a dirty import, not sure if they will be happy with that >> Ha, Mines an Import!! ALL Impreza's are welcome, import or not. Dave and I will sort through the list of nominated cars next week, after we get back from Trax. Ta Ta Richard & Dave
  11. Just to reiterate, as the Conister Motor Show is a go, This Manx Munchie Meet will now take place another time Ta Ta Richard
  12. Oi, you wanna a go or not!! See you at Trax Ta Ta Richard
  13. Thanks andy, Just need a green/black etc etc wagon or Sti 8 now to finish it off. Will let you know when the paperwork arrives as to the exact pitch we have. Thanks Richard & Dave
  14. Only two cars then? Mine and Dave's We could really do with an Sti8 & a 02 to get a full range or a wagon!! Preferably with colours other than blue & white (as we have them already) Anyone? You dont have to stay with cars all day, just as long as in situation by 9:15 each morning, or else on site friday afternoon and left till the end Ta Ta Richard & Dave
  15. Did anyone go to the opening then? I certainley didnt get invited at all, Never mind, been down to day (with DaveK) and had a skeet round, done a nice job Lets see what they do for the motor show Hope there not next to us!!, be fun woudnt't it Ta Ta Richard
  16. Spotted ya going up the prom yesterday straight off the boat, I was on the same boat, but didnt notice you at Heysham though, sorry TA TA Richard
  17. Afternoon Dudes, Orf for another lap in a mo, bit windy and not much cop from Veranda to Windy Corner, otherwise fine on the course Ta Ta Richard
  18. Evening Dudes, I'm back on The Rock Done 1 lap already Only another 11 before thursday night, then ready for first service on saturday Ta Ta Richard
  19. MOrning Dudes, Just orf to catch the sea-cat, Pressie is wrapped, won't be long now About 6 Hours TA TA Richard
  20. Orf on the ferry in the morning, Back on the sunday morning sailing at 2.30am Will have me Birthday pressie though Ta Ta Richard
  21. Wot, no one!!
  22. << 'kin 'ell I thought £5.00 was dear >> I sell it for £3.99 TA TA Richard
  23. Right Guys n Gals, I have just heard back from Michael lees at Conister and they have room for us at the show this year, Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th September, 10am until 5pm both days. Set up will be on Friday, although show vehicles can come in/go out before and after show closes. All cars on the stand must be in by 9.30am each day. We have room for 3 cars, so who would like to put there car on show saturday,sunday,both days. Also who would like to help Dave and I run the stand. Please Nominate one car per person, then we will count the votes etc ect I will start it of by nominating, DaveK & The Bling Machine/ Tart Mobile Richard
  24. Morning Dudes, Still waiting to hear about the Motor Show Ta Ta Richard
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