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Carl Davey

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Everything posted by Carl Davey

  1. Jools, i am going to invite my friend Callum along with his newly imported Evo VII. Haven't had a chance to ask him yet but it should be SVA'd etc by then and i'm sure he'll be up for it.
  2. Car's going well at the moment - touch wood! Almost ready to have some of the power mods i've had sitting on my bedroom floor for months fitted! Is it Liam that's getting the Skyline for you? GTS i presume if RWD?
  3. This had better be the last time. Slightly bigger Saltire. Remember you have to ignore the rectangle created by the black background. If the Saltire was made so it reached the top right corner of the rectangle it'd look daft when the stickers were made up on clear background. Anyway, mail should reach you in a couple of minutes Willie, soz for clogging up your inbox.
  4. If we're all in agreement that's not a problem. Choosing bathrooms at the moment though (the joys...) but will update the file, repost the image and resend it to Willie this evening.
  5. I have justified the text appropriately on both the LEFT and RIGHT versions so that the text aligns correctly. i.e. on the 'LEFT' version it algins left and on the 'RIGHT' version it aligns right. I've also checked that 'dropped' characters (p, q, j, y etc) don't infringe on the URL. It's easy enough to squash the username up in photoshop so as not to screw up the format. Although i have absolutely no idea about how the stickers will be made but i presume the chap will be able to keep things within the basic template. I'd imagine some artistic licence may have to be employed for the longer usernames but this isn't up to me.
  6. Me too mate. Just lemme get a cheeky plug in here... Gauge must be the following: - white-faced - 60mm - SI units (Celcius / bar), i.e. metric - old-style (see below) - either Oil Temp / EGT / Fuel Pressure, feck, even Water Temp - just something to fill the final hole! Old style gauges look like this: New gauges look like this: Note the difference in warning light design. Now, BTTT so Lindsay can get his Defi's out.
  7. Quality, i'm looking forward to receiving it! That's the thing with my gauges, they're the old style ones and the new gauges are slightly different. Will probs end up selling the two i have and buying 3 of the newer style lol...
  8. These out yet? Thanks for the bttt, don't think i'm ever going to find the third gauge lol...
  9. There we go, although i think it upsets the balance a little having the text all the way along and won't look as neat on a window. I know it's hard not to get used to picturing it within the black rectangle...
  10. Willie, you have 2.63Mb's worth of .psd in your inbox! Marc, the idea was one for each window, Derek mentioned it further up the thread. When you imagine the 'LEFT' one on the N/S window and the 'RIGHT' one on the O/S window in think they kinda come together?
  11. Images received with thanks Phil. Ok, take 7! How're we lookin' now? LEFT RIGHT And a clear .gif to give you an idea of what i'd imagine would actually be produced... Ignore the white border around the URL in the image above - it's near unavoidable when you save to .gif format. I think the writing on the SIDC logo is a little fussy to be honest but i don't want to do anything with it unless the SIDC team says it's ok. It'll probably look ok in print actually...
  12. The lamp the OE 3-pin plug plugs into will be your 'main' (H4 IIRC) light if you know what i mean? I'd hazard a guess this will be the lamp furthest from the centre of the car - as per the classic Morettes. As per normal operation this lamp should be dipped when on dipped beam and fully lit when on main beam. The auxillary light will be the other lamp and only lit when on full beam. IIRC these lamps are powered by a relay attached to the rear of one of the units. Mine didn't come with the relay hence a little ad-hoc wiring was required. With regards the sidelight, it should be fairly obvious if this one is behaving correctly as it won't be anywhere near as bright as the other two. Sorry i can't be of any more help... Trust me, it's not rocket science.
  13. Ross, i'll take a wee detour for you mate if you'll be staying at your girlfriends the night before? Failing that Gav is on the left before you get to Bridge of Don B&Q (both on the same road, B&Q being on the right) coming from AECC side. Piece of cake to find.
  14. I wasn't going to give you pictures of the refinery lol... On my cheapo classic morettes i didn't bother with the sidelight so i have as follows - Inside lights are the auxillary main beam ones and the outside ones have the same function as the single headlight bulbs that preceeded the Morettes. on dipped beam = outside lights only (on dipped setting) on main beam = both inside and outside lights on (full beam) The wiring that came with mine was a bit of a mish-mash so i just played with them untill they were right. It sounds to me as though you have them wired in correctly, presuming light #1 is the sidelight?
  15. Ach if only i was still working at the refinery i'd be able to help! EDIT: stuff it, just realised you said bugeye.
  16. lol, i'm just the wannabee geek who's cr@p at Photoshop... If Phil gets the full-size SIDC graphics over to me this evening i'll get a final version made up tonight. I'll then mail the full size .psd file over to Wille and he can then talk with his print supplier about having them made up and take care of supplying them etc etc.
  17. Yeah Jools, the black doesn't help things... The ones above are 12x1.5" now. A little longer looking on here though because i still shrunk them to 100px in height.
  18. Jools, thanks for the comments. I agree, the sticker should be more of an SIDC sticker rather than a Scottish sticker if you know what i mean? I feel the same but had held off using an SIDC logo until i got a decent sized one to work with. Never the less i nicked the one off of the front page of the site for a test run. The SIDC logo was teeny-weeny to begin with so the quality is poor in the image above. That design above is 12x2". Again, thoughts etc?
  19. Your wish is my command. Also, in the full res version there is a small black border around the Saltire - this is lost when i shrink the image down though.
  20. lmao, alot of my mates have started getting these... One of them has a 13hp one now! They go race them at the local kart-track every other Sunday IIRC, then terrorise the local community with them during the week. I've had a go on a couple and they're great fun. Would be twice as much fun seeing you go one John.
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