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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. watch them speed humps then
  2. Cheers Stu .............Japfest last year
  3. how much has it been lowered then?
  4. hello people............slightly tired for some reason...............must be going down with something
  5. evening / morning all...............what a night - went bowling - spent fat too much and had far far too many beers
  6. could have been...............last year I think
  7. already seen the Graphics I want...............then theres the remap and alloys etc
  8. over 150 applied for..........35 rejections...............got 3 possibles at the mo - so hoping to get Interviews with all 3 and then hopefully be able to take my pick
  9. 2nd time I have done that..................last time was with Bailey and someone else.............memory shot mate
  10. had no work for 3 weeks - getting really bored now
  11. we went to Quarry and he said we might as well carry on..............but he then moaned cos he was burnt
  12. firstly I took the precaution and wore a BaseBall cap................and secondly sat in the car twice - once for food and a cup of tea and second time after I walked all the way round the circuit with Stinger
  13. sure am mate - and you?
  14. released an extra 10 - 15 BHP
  15. Hello Malc...............may I be the first to welcome you to the most worthwhile thread on the whole of the interweb thingy the only difference I can see was one taken in the morning and the other in the afternoon? Is that a full dect now? - what BackBox do you have on her? by the way as you are in Somerset have you seen the Ham Hill meet thread?
  16. no probs mate - see ya there...............we always "encourage" people to join
  17. cracking mate.....................
  18. Blimey all planned out then ..................are you going to the meet Friday Night?
  19. Blimey - Have you got official permission?
  20. Dunno - Got Abingdon on Sunday so all depends how the day goes etc
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