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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. edmondo

    Fao Big D

    Its the people mate rather than the cars - they are just a by product
  2. there seems to be one or 2 that are using Forums / networks to get votes..................yet we are honestly voting fo the best car
  3. edmondo

    Fao Big D

    either sounds good mate..............Big D is always a regular so come down with him
  4. edmondo

    Fao Big D

    Plan A................Pub serves food so tell her you are taking her out for a meal then act surprised when you see some Scoobies in the Car Park
  5. edmondo

    Fao Big D

    Its the last Friday of the month so that means its the world ( ok I exaggerate ) famous Swindon meet..............so why have you not come then Myles?........excuses on a postcard please
  6. edmondo

    Fao Big D

    no commitment some people eh?
  7. Must of been a huge one...................so the damage is?
  8. Its been a while since I spent 3 hours on here talking to a total idiot You are such a twit - how on earth did you manage to hit your exhaust - you have the ground clearance of a truck
  9. edmondo

    Fao Big D

    Do we need to get a Ticket Machine for Iain
  10. Gaunty - you still alive then? ....................that was a silly thing to do
  11. better put this back up as its almost upon us again
  12. 360 - bet he was well chuffed
  13. Cracking piccies Ben Nice Action shot Kylie
  14. Scooby Island - like it .................S204 - cracking motor
  15. there was a few sarnies...........had I known then
  16. Brilliant Dave.............Now Iain is a star of the Interweb for the right reasons
  17. deserved to win Best in Show
  18. Leaving Sun Inn at 8.15am 1. Ed & Co 2. Deano 3.
  19. Morning world - just caught up on some much needed zzzzzzzzz
  20. Jacqui logged on in eds name. For all attendee's there is a thread in general for as you all did me proud yesturday! http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=147382 Kev - thank you but i am only the organiser, members make the stand
  21. ok - you lot win..............11am at the Pub Car Park
  22. bring em Daff..............its a Doggie meet
  23. nice piccies Dave...........anymore?
  24. There are gonna be some "very tanned people" tonight
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