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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. bet if you asked the kids it would be a different story
  2. are they gonna go so you get pssshhh pop psssshhh bang
  3. lol..............have you a full decat as well?
  4. we had a Forge on the old Turbo 2000 we had..............very loud innit lol...............whats next then mate?
  5. yes he is............no idea why though
  6. what make?......................bet the kids were more excited about that than you ...............is this the first of your mods?
  7. yep it has..............I have been lurking all day but no one else seems to want to come out to play
  8. Airfield??????...............I will be up for that as long as my mechanic is around
  9. what on earth is that chav doing in the first 2 piccies
  10. oh ye of little faith - its cos its had your magic hands on her
  11. agree mate..............got back without incident
  12. we went right out the gate but then Deano took us left and and we came out at Bessaleigh so it was straight down the 420
  13. Brilliant Day ....................Roll on 2011...............and by the way Iain - your car was way too filthy
  14. Apologies mate for losing you on the way back...............normally I do know where I am going
  15. evening all - just back from the Abingdon Show - fantastic day
  16. ..........................oh dear - that coming from the Chav Grandpa
  17. ..............and you Bud
  18. Sun Inn Marlborough Road Swindon Friday May 28th 7.30pm start all welcome as per usual And Rae - Take your time mate
  19. Thanks mate - could have saved myself £3 .................yep bought one but they gave away a copy of fourfourtwo mag with it however when next season rolls round if you could keep 1 back for each home game for us
  20. she did.................she hates footy on TV but loves watching it "live"............thats the 3rd time we have been down in the 4 years we have lived in Swindon so she said lets check out the prices and well its something we can do together...........so 23 home games to look forward to next season for £250 each - so thats £11 each instead of £22 on the day each.................and we know people that work there as well so gives us a chance to see people we dont see that often
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