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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. Shell's Profits must have gone through the roof today
  2. ...............and those "shorts" and what was protruding out underneath
  3. there was 80 + between us and BBS...........anaother dozen on "sws" stand...............plus a few others on majic etc stands
  4. I attached your picture to a crimestoppers poster and said you were wanted for "Crimes against Fashion"
  5. yep Combe Staff was very complimentary of the Scooby Community............"always a fantastic turnout" they said
  6. catching up - gotta go out again in a mo
  7. to knackered...................40 + cars on our stand - 40 on BBS next door...................what a display of Scoobies
  8. Thanks to all that contributed to this.................there was so much we had BBS over for lunch and struggled to get rid of it all at the end
  9. 10 car convoy in...........superb
  10. I suspect there will be loads from everyone.............dunno if we will get ours uploaded tonight
  11. brilliant Day...................Nuff Said
  12. Evening all Back from Action Day at Combe.............What a fantastic Day..............Well done and Thank you to all that came And Dave.............What a Girly you are
  13. always nice to see the strange folk from Cartoontown
  14. .................this place certainly attracts them
  15. shut up .............note to self - must remember tartan blanket
  16. so if I see a strange bloke on our stand eating then I will assume its you
  17. you still got it at morrisons then its fair game
  18. you will need to get through me first
  19. Most I know - however I have just done some sarnies as well...............Beef Salad - slurp
  20. but will anyone recognise you Matty:lol:
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