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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. so you are trying to tell me its not for you?................do I believe you?................Juries out on that
  2. or the Booster seat in the Drivers seat
  3. vaguely remember seeing you at Prodrive............couldnt remember who you was though
  4. Bet she cooked your tea though eh? Touch wood ok mate thanks
  5. There wont be..................scrapped mine a few times with plenty of weight in the car and considerably faster..................anyway is this your random post for the day?
  6. ah thats why we dont see you at shows then .................its an age thing innit
  7. I can think of a few reasons why
  8. well I am about - looking for company give me a shout
  9. ok mate what do you wanna do?..............where are they being done to?
  10. where are the houses you have to look after?
  11. yes sir yes sir ................if you did that I would set the Dog on you
  12. gonna take my autograph book on Sunday
  13. ah right.................knocking on doors late at night eh
  14. well done Dave............I suspect with your size you are the enforcer eh?
  15. He is a bit old to be a Boy Racer - think it was too much weight in the car
  16. edmondo

    Fao Big D

    oh dear gents.............feel this topic has now gone far too far off topic...............so.....................lets get back to what was being discussed
  17. edmondo

    Fao Big D

    thats still 20mpg or thereabouts.............what more do you want from a Scooby?
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