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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. Afternoon Steve Afternoon Mr Scoobyparts - not seen you in this area before
  2. Here you go Girlfriend http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=32017751266
  3. dunno - but Somerset / Wiltshire does
  4. Its always nice to have an occasional meet where there is a bit of a drive as well................however the static meets we have at the Sun Inn seems to be going pretty well so perhaps people want a mixture of the 2
  5. you lie.................you remember
  6. strange how things work out!
  7. Chippenham is quite close to you though innit?
  8. Rules??? It started as a question now its turned into a matter of honour
  9. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=147650
  10. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=147650
  11. 01. Stu 02. Matty 03. Ant84 04. Kylie 05. Myles 06. Ed / SP 07. Matty's mate Paul - ZM Coupe 08. Smike 09. Big D 10. Micheal Jenkins 11. 12. 13. I only see 1 Swindon name so far................ .............its only 20 mins if that!!!!!!!
  12. I see the Muppets have already taken this off topic
  13. Dave Dave Dave................... ............never mind mate
  14. and just take your time................my mrs and mate put mine on and I stood over them like an expectant father - wanting it done by "yesterday"
  15. I will just remind you when it is Wednesday
  16. will do mate..............on Monday - then Tuesday and again Wednesday
  17. didnt know that - thought Nur Spec was one of the loudest you could get................I cant have a quiet exhaust you know
  18. It was a question rather than a challenge....................however if Matty has a meter it should be interesting.......all this in the name of science of course
  19. is that gonna be louder than a Nur spec then?..................If so I need to change
  20. anyone else from Swindon / Wilts area gonna venture out?
  21. Hello again - remember me?
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