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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. you need to turn the engine on first Matty
  2. oh well - June 25th then mate..................or perhaps the meet we are having with the Oxon Guys at Lechlade on the 12th May
  3. cant afford to have any more chips or I will end up with a silver bonnet
  4. a week later we all caught pneumonia at Abingdon
  5. Lol Iain.....................Not sure why thats being advertised here!
  6. 5 - isnt that an awful lot.................really cant be bothered to try and learn that amount - isnt there anything smaller?
  7. Thought you "worked" from home anyway?
  8. It looks like those in work dont
  9. is that with or without petrol Kylie?
  10. thats spooky cos earlier today I was reading the thread when you tried to sell her last year Gutted for you mate - I would be crying if that happened to my motor - but that special machine you must be totally inconsolable but glad to hear all got out ok.......................a machine can be replaced - a life cant..................I hope to hear of you back in a Scooby again one day
  11. what happened to the "enforcers" job?
  12. Talk about taking the cheap option.................
  13. Well I am not so sure...........Totally pi***d off at the mo
  14. a few months yes.............gotta sign on tomorrow - what a F****ng indignity ................Weeks now seem short whilst not working.....
  15. very frustrating...............160 + applied for - nearly 50 straight rejections..............not a single interview and no sign of anything...............beginning to think that this was not such a good idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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