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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. that'll just be 2 cans then
  2. when I said I had an old Joy Stick - that was not what I meant
  3. yeah yeah yeah - no need to be embarassed Steve
  4. evening folks - slightly burnt from Japfest today
  5. its certainly gonna be 20 fags and 10 cans of carlsberg time.............thats gonna be the longest 2 hours of my life me thinks
  6. ah right..............what about the Ninja then?
  7. Cheers mate - yes please.......................nope watched 2nd half from the comfort of the Sofa......................fingers crossed for the Championship
  8. Which Back Box are you getting? - what are you gonna do with your Afterburner?
  9. well done Town..............2 - 1...............so roll on Monday - get a draw then its Wembley
  10. ................couldnt do any worse...............oh yeah could look at you with your dodgy knees and do they allow a zimmer frame onto the field of play
  11. superb mate ...................getting busy then?
  12. touche....................seems to be an overall apathy for that one here.....................dunno why!............btw are you there tomorrow?
  13. yeah ok mate - you at Japfest tomorrow?
  14. dont see you volunteering Fatboy
  15. Rae!!!!! - Chat Thread................You lost or something???????
  16. Car thoroughly cleaned...................some polish put on but will finish tomorrow on stand to keep my tiny mind occupied
  17. same as Swindon Meets mate - we never know till the day
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