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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. too right Bud..............I just luv the sound of the rumble it makes - like rolling thunder with lightening coming out the back
  2. had better be careful then ............take a picture of both together - that'll be worth a fortune in years to come
  3. thats if he hasnt lost the wind up key
  4. according to the forecast it isnt due to
  5. dont sound like it..............whos fault?
  6. Mince Beef and Onion Pie / Chips with vinegar only and a tub of Curry Sauce please
  7. so far just me and thee then Dave
  8. we will see you about 8 then Matty - driving miss Daisy
  9. I take it you run on a different calender over there then
  10. be good to see ya again mate Dont you mean June meet?
  11. You really do go looking on some very dodgy websites dont you...............Matty I worry about you Anyway I thought I hid that piccie
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