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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. very nice quite a stable of performance cars you have there
  2. blimey ..............and she is not interested in becoming part of a club then?
  3. whats mrs malcb gonna make of it?
  4. bet you have noticed the difference
  5. plan B will be to go to Kylies meet if very few turn up
  6. 260 - happy with that? what was your torque figure?
  7. you are scarey enuff as it is
  8. Afternoon world............no one around????????????
  9. Thought I would add us as we get there when we can and spend a lot of time on Big D's Drive
  10. we certainly got some looks see ya
  11. It would be a long boring life ok mate - catch ya tomorrow
  12. I have had kids cover their ears when I have gone past - so so funny the road from Highworth to Lechlade is great cos its got good straights and some great bends..................did you see the looks we got when we sat in traffic in Lechlade when we came back from Big D's?
  13. we had a Scooby Meeting at our house to plan the 2008 show season - so the beer flowed so when Bailey and James04 left I decided to have 1 more can - problem is next thing I remember is waking up in Bed fully clothed and no idea how I got there............had something similar at Scooby Ball a few months earlier but I blamed the fact I still had chemo in my blood
  14. Bud / Carlsberg / Fosters or Carling is ok but Stella gives me a huge headache and as for any spirits except JD give me a huge headache with Vodka being the worst..............I will tell you a story about a Vodka and Bud binge I had once - That was the hangover from Hell
  15. oh yes - Cricklade Road from the old Park and Ride right down to the double mini roundabouts - bit of hill...................of course any enclosed multi story
  16. Cider - no wonder you have little accidents ..............me I prefer Bud ...............so full of sugar its no wonder I post quickly on here
  17. you reckon? - I have asked the voices for their opinion and they keep telling me to get the matches Marlborough Road from Old Town to Coate Water roundabout - just cruise down in 4th.........pop burble bang burble pop pop
  18. thats ok then well you aint firing blanks as Mrs G can testify
  19. thats a bad turn of phrase - but I know what you mean my favourite is Rodbourne Road
  20. oh dear - get that checked out ..................they did come round but I had a water tight alibi oh yes - getting brave now arent you
  21. so its not even warmed up by the time you get to work then?...................I bet you go via the Railway Station dont you
  22. never heard of it mate have fun and watch for any blue lights
  23. That was never proved to be me saw your post on the meet thread - all I gotta say is:
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