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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. just onfirmed thats the case....................also putting up the Avebury Piccies from today as well
  2. as it transpired - thanks to Big D - it was just the new Brake Pads........................however ( you knew that was coming didnt you ) that bloomin heatshield underneath is now really really getting on my nerves
  3. Evening Steve Jacqui doing them tonight I believe
  4. yep you are right its me with the silent calls..............cant lock the keypad so put it in my pocket and it just ends up dialling numbers - sorry mate - but you loved it really very nice mate - look forward to seeing them Friday.......need to get them done at the front as well to hide the ugly driver should have ome to HAM Hill then - craking day did Pez do well on the Show / Shine?
  5. yeah ok thanks Bud no - was at Ham Hill with JD / Vix , Petenofear and family and Deano......a ood day how did you and Pez get on at Silverstone? Whats this I hear about Pimp Tints?
  6. not here for a few days and look how quiet it goes
  7. Fantastic day - Top company Pete / Sue........been too long peeps................many thanks for the cuppa etc afterward.........dont leave it so long next time Just for the record - back at 6.35pm - went along 303 and came off just after Stonehenge........got stuck behind a bloody Horse Box and after that it was a froggie in a 4X4 doing 20 - 30 all the way To Marlborough. sorry to hear about your misadventures Iain - missed a fantastic day
  8. Our Ian is still going on how quick it is.......................especially coming up the slip road onto the 419...............hhhhmmmm thats fast
  9. a team far far superior to Exeter - no wonder you haven't heard of them.............Championship next season
  10. Its not that I dont Trust Iain's Driving - I do..............................Its just that I like to be in control.........I am a rubbish passenger
  11. back again after having a visit from White Noise .................backed out of having a ride but my young un did - he cant believe how quick it is
  12. large stadium with 4 fans - they are gonna get lonely and then paying all that money to fall asleep as well
  13. There are plenty still on sale in Plymouth so I hear...........
  14. an hour ago by Recorded Delivery.................................Wembley Tickets for the Play Off Final...............Roll on next Saturday
  15. If you see this Dave ( Langy87) - Happy Birthday mate
  16. Afternoon all.................its taken 2 hours to get onto here - bloomin Laptop
  17. oh yeah - we will be there ........................as long as my top hose is done
  18. Happy Birthday my dear ...............take no notice of the fools on here
  19. Just cut the grass and sat out in the Garden for the last 2 hours
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