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Everything posted by harvey_smith

  1. fai17/Peter: Nice to see you are big enough to admit a mistake. The thread was locked before I could make a couple of points which have now been made on S/net Scottish on the Greer thread. As far as I know Gaz (and me) only stated the truth. As you will appreciate, if someone calls my integrity or workmanship into doubt and it is unfounded then I am likely to react. I have photos of New Age headers here with the lambda boss wrapped and shots from the inside too if anybody is in unclear or wants to host them. My headers are proven in terms of performance gains, value for money, customer sevice etc so while valid critisism is acceptable, I react to Krap. Glad we sorted it out. I might come for one of those meals you are famous for when I am next in Paisley. Slange.
  2. TD05 16 G is a "normal" Scooby turbo. It is pretty rugged and trated properly will last a long time. ie Do not rag it from cold and do not switch the engine off immediately after coming off booost. Service kits are available and it is not a big job to take it apart to check and fit a service kit. From memory I think the kits are about £50. If you know the history of the turbo and it is good then I would fit it. If the history is unknown, give it to a specialist to check over for you.
  3. This may be of interest. http://bbs.scoobynet.co.uk/showthread.php?t=516519
  4. Cheers Murray. Your clutch will be here Friday. Option 1 headers are ported OE headers and ported OE uppipe. Option 2 headers are ported OE headers but with different porting to the collector section and a new purpose designed, slip jointed, heat wrapped uppipe replaces the OE. Murray already had option 1 and converted to option 2 with full heat wrap.
  5. I would run at .7mm or 27 thou.
  6. I have an STi3 top mount if you want to make it a permanent arrangement. Complete with red pipe to the turbo compressor.
  7. The FPR operates on manifold pressure and is located on the rear of the fuel rail above #3 cylinder which is the rear cylinder on the driver's side.
  8. I havn't tried the Meercat so far but would be interested in doing so. For medium power (up to 400 bhp) I like the Revolution system, available by carrier next day, complete system for well under £500 delivered. Nice noise outside, not too loud but relatively quiet in cabin. I am fitting a system this week coming having had a RR run on Friday to obtain a base figures (TEG Sport) on an STi 3 Wagon. As there will be no other mods before the next RR run, probably the RR Day on 8th April, the improvements should be easily defined.
  9. I get mine from Alyn at AS Performance. Next day delivery and very good prices.
  10. Sorry just seen this. If you are still struggling and need new studs I can let you have 5 new ones for £4 plus postage. harveysmith1@btopenworld.com www.geocities.com/harveysmith3000
  11. Have you considered the Roger Clark modified oil pump which is the choice on many of the top engines in the UK ?
  12. It might be of interest to some of you that very atractive, substantial, aluminium ones with hard bushes are available from API Engines. £55 front, £45 rear plus vat. Very easy to fit if you have a trolley jack.
  13. Just remember that stainless will heat soak signifigantly.
  14. Fantastic result. Only saw it on the TV but my brother tells me the atmosphere was awesome and hear moving.
  15. Dougster : I am not ignoring you but I cannot reply to PMs so please make a note of my e-mail address. harveysmith1@btopenworld.com Cheers mate. Can somebody pass this on if they are speaking to him. thanks.
  16. Car is looking good Dave. Got your PM but I cannot PM back. No problem mate. I just assumed you were hard at it. We had a good day, 25 runners including two we took on spec on the morning. Figures were low compared to previous on same rollers and elsewhere. As it was organised on S/Net I have posted the results there in "Northern" I have another one planned, provisionally for 08 April so keep an eye out for a post starting this weekend coming. I can put a link on here if you want.
  17. Gong Xi Fa Cai Lang may yer lum reek.
  18. I can do you a Hybrid on your NEW AGE at a bargain price, including fitting. e-mail me if you want info: harveysmith1@btopenworld.com
  19. Try either Scoobymania or Apex Performance.
  20. Darlington Branch covering the Southern approaches.
  21. Most tubular headers reduce the spool point because gas velocity is reduced. Are GT Spec manufacturing to a smaller diameter than previously? Also, unless after market headers are carefully specified they will slug spool to so the link to NASIOC from Cal is very misleading. Don't be sucked into believing that tubular headers or aftermarket up-pipes will automatically improve spool or response.
  22. So you have another 50 bhp now.
  23. They got idiots over there too.
  24. Not guilty on this occassion Silver WRX Wagon M/Y 95 with around 400 bhp depending on map. Silver STi Wagon M/Y 00 which I hope will do 600 plus BHP on 2 litres when I eventually get on to developing it. Engine running, Motec installed but had no gears on start up. Long story but I need a different transfer casing. Regularly up the A1/A68/Dalkeith and less frequently further North or West.
  25. Cheers. I'll give it a try next week.
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