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Everything posted by sma01

  1. that is a cracking price for the PPP, still reckon i would go for aftermarket parts though....must have sold all my PPP bits far too cheap, went for much less than that...[]
  2. free fitting still on[] pity all the things i want/need now aint in the same criteria[] scott
  3. what tyres you putting on them Gav and how much could you get 4 tyres for?? scott
  4. Lol @ Baz, the bank love me so much ive even got my own parking space[]
  5. would be interested in this Ricey, probs take them all depending on cost... scott
  6. god help her if she has you teaching her how to drive...LOL
  7. obviously busy with work....lol....what you driving just now til ur scoob is fixed?
  8. think it is Gavs car that is in there Johnny, u thinking about buying it? scott
  9. LOL...talking of things going pop, how is ur engine??[]
  10. val113r, car looks mint mate scott
  11. dont use dealer for mine mate, it goes to Hypertech.... scott
  12. there is a place in Denny that is meant to be pretty good, will try and find out the name of it....also might be worth speaking to P1 SUB, think he has had some of his car painted and was pleased with the job scott
  13. will keep an eye out for news on this..... cheers scott
  14. LOL, what could i do tomorrow, long lie in bed, get up, take the car for a wee run, pop in to Duncs and see what i can buy next and just chill out....would match rather be working[]
  15. nearly had mine a year now, and couldnt possibly repeat how much ive spent, its just spiralled higher and higher, but agreed, worth every penny, and still got a big list still to get through.... scott
  16. if its any consolation Des, i'm on my day off tomorrow[]
  17. no probs Phil, when will the guidelines be in place? scott
  18. cheers mate, i am biased but i do agree, brakes look minted on the car, and have vastly improved the stopping power, just need the rears done now.... i'm the same, got loads more i want to do to the car, but clutch is now going to be a priority, followed by another map... scott
  19. yes Vicki, you got it right...aww, gettin all embarrased, thats sweet[] Peter, not a chance, all i know is it starts with a 1 and is 5 digits, couldnt even hazard a guess.... scott
  20. mines isnt quite that bad yet mate, just slipping in 5th and 6th just now when nailing it, going to need done sooner rather than later, just an expense i wasnt expecting as just spent a fortune on the new brakes scott
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