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Everything posted by sma01

  1. was there a meet in falkirk tonight??was going to head up the town and decided against it cos thought it would be quiet... scott
  2. looked at the possibility of doing this a while back when i had the standard turbo, am sure andy f has a contact who can do that for you mate. or you could just buy a bigger turbo scott
  3. Near enough every time i post a reply it comes up with an error, then i try again it says something about time between posts is not enough or something, anyone else having similar probs?
  4. (mind, the pug 1.4, Golf MK5 GT, hand brake times.....) LOL, aye, what a laugh, there was also the time we brought in the 2 bmw's.....remember that 1?
  5. Baz, PMSL....that was pretty funny mate....
  6. LOL.... i said they couldnt, until i saw one spank your sti, or is it still the gx sport youve got??
  7. sounds like a good idea, i'd be up for that mate scott
  8. Ruby, dont be too hard on the boy, bearing in mind it has been really cold the last few days...LOL
  9. yes that was me mate... Gav, if he spanked me then how do you explain me passing you first when you were going opposite direction to us...? scott
  10. speak to scoobyseller555, he has a S55 plate on his car mate scott
  11. Des, why not go the full way and get the front and rear ARBs and the anti lift kit as well, makes a big difference scott
  12. Baz, like I said earlier on mate, give Dunc a phone(01324 812212) and he will sort you out....I was going on a guess of around £35, as was getting quoted prices of just over that for a new 2.5 engine from Teg Sport not enough power to be had for me tho scott
  13. cheers for the comments.... Stephen, if I could cash the posts in at Hypertech I would be on here all night every night paying for the next phase of mods.....unfortunately it will be a wee while yet, after monday that is scott
  14. Nice car mate..... if you are interested in going for the brembo brakes, I currently have a set of front brembo calipers from a STI 8 for sale if you are interested... scott
  15. Ruby, you would be better getting pics of the car, he aint the most handsome of fellas LOL scott
  16. glad to hear you are all ok after that mate... congratulations on the new arrival... scott
  17. wonder who that might be then...... black is definitely the best colour
  18. dont have a phone number for them i'm afraid mate, if you phone hypertech(01324 812212), they will be able to give you the number scott
  19. Andy F for the map mate?? just had a look at the photo of your car mate, its mint, looks really good with the white wheels on it.... scott
  20. heard folk at work talking about this but never actually seen it, its really good... scott
  21. Ive only had the car since March, still cant believe how much ive spent already.....ouch and the car has still got a long way to go til its all complete.... scott
  22. speak to Duncan @ Hypertech in Bonnybridge mate, he would be able to sort you out also... scott
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