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Everything posted by sma01

  1. LOL...give me a couple of weeks til i get my clutch fixed, 5th and 6th not the best just now...
  2. thanks Vicki, will need to wait til tomorrow, think my membership card is in the car and i cant remember the number scott
  3. i'm not sure what one to go for, think it will be the carbon one, not cheap, but once its done then shouldnt need done again for a long time scott
  4. clutch??hmmm, that sounds familiar, what one you going for??was speaking to Dunc about it the other day as mines needs done also, dont think it will be worth my while putting standard back on again, unless its done under warranty..LOL
  5. would have thought they would have informed me, had a PM a while back mentioning the advertising on my profile, they told me i was to remove it as Hypertech did not sponsor the forums or something like that, my argument was that it should be same rule for everyone, not just me, not just folk giving hypertechs number, was told that it was ok to put it back on for time being until all profiles were made equal, so i put the number back on and now the mystery has arisen..... will put it back on, if its to be removed then hopefully someone will clarify this form me.... on another note, how do i get a picture for my avatar?am too lazy to find the post explaining scott
  6. "fastest new age ive been in".....i love a challenge, when's the showdown??LOL scott
  7. just a small thing but cant make sense of it, my profile which appears below my posts has been altered to remove contact number and website for Hypertech, but it wasnt me who changed it. Having a look through the forums there are plenty of others who are giving the same info, for hypertech and AWD to name a couple, so why would mines have been removed?? scott
  8. No problem at all Gus, car also has the tein coilovers on it as well, which i reckon are one of the best mods I have made, let me know when you will be through and if i aint at work will pop round, if i am at work will leave dunc the keys.... scott
  9. think have seen the blue 1 you are talking about, does it have gold wheels?think the guy works at asda warehouse.....not seen the red classic before though scott
  10. Baz, u fancy buying my engine??? scott
  11. Gav, does that include 1 from the new STI??LOL think i would get a new clutch under warranty??[] scott
  12. Des, let me know when you are next at Duncs, got the cusco one on mine also, looks minted..... scott
  13. Gus, wouldnt listen to them 1 bit, definitely a mod worth doing, the deal is on indefinitely at Hypertech, so anyone interested just give Dunc a phone... if you aint sure about the suspension mods, say to Dunc and I will let him take you out in my car and see if you think its worth the ££££.....i think it is... scott
  14. welcome mate.... for that sort of money am sure you will be able to find a nice example, take your time and make sure its the right 1 for you. If you are fitting an exhaust, would definitely go for the blitz on a classic, couple of my mates have them on P1s and they sound awesome.....if you speak to Dunc @ Hypertech on 01324 812212 he will help you with the mods.... scott
  15. ....to Scoobyseller555... some of my comments on a previous post were out of order, my apologies Gav scott
  16. gordy, yes, went for the red 355mm kit scott
  17. thanks for the comments folks..... Cal - no problem at all, will let you know when i will be taking it up next, hopefully have a new clutch by then as well.....
  18. do you ever post anything that aint drivel YGC?? nowt wrong with the car, will get it out any time you want, but then again, you are just all talk, wont get it out on the track, wont get it out against anyone as the outcome is always the same..... as for the rover, why dont you take it on?? catches me as strange that you come on here where the majority of folk know you sell subarus for a living, and proceed to make yourself look a w*nk, hardly going to encourage them to buy from your garage.......
  19. congratulation sharon..... scott
  20. Des, was round there a wee while ago speaking to Dunc about the next item on the wish list, the links and ALK are on the car ready to go tomorrow morning, battery strap is also on the car now too[] scott
  21. ...got car back today from Hypertech after having had the new brakes fitted, not had the car out much yet, but in the short time i have had it out, they feel awesome, just going to have to take it easy for a wee while til they are bedded in.... Scott
  22. got the teins on mine and they are superb, make a massive difference to the handling of the car scott
  23. main one to be going for would be EGT i reckon Gus... scott
  24. yawn @ Gav..... cant see why it bothers you how much i spend on my car, i havent once quoted figures on here as to how much ive spent on the car, the costs seem to only interest you. There is a long way still to go with the car and money to be spent, which is my choice, and it will happen, it wont just be car park talk, like all the 22b's we've heard you are buying, or was it a skyline??maybe it was both....
  25. nice video mate..... look forward to seeing you up there again this year Ross, and a rematch in the dry sounds like a plan... scott
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