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Everything posted by sma01

  1. not half, 1.9 bar???? wuz, will speak to you soon re defis once i am ready to purchase scott
  2. LOL...no point being bitter now.... main difference is if i say i am going to do something then i do it, hence i have spent a load on the car, unlike some who claim to be doing loads, stage 2b conversion, nope, changed my mind, now a 22b, oops, now going for a skyline, or maybe a P1, hmmmm, and have any of these become reality?? wonder who i could be referring too...oh, and while on the subject of smoke, where did the mysterious blue smoke from your car, that only you saw, disappear too??
  3. cheers mate, not 100% for selling yet, still having probs awaiting the arrival of the new one... scott
  4. would be interested in this also, would be looking for 5 gauges though if possible......EGT,boost, oil temp, oil pressure and water temp.... scott
  5. "what do you get the man that has everything".... In Gav's case a subaru with a turbo would be a good place to start, his GX sport is just too slow[][]
  6. Yeh, got a great photo of you when we passed you, must be the stickers Lol!! ]" src="/emoticons/emotion-4.gif"> PMSL, was that when we stopped for petrol you managed to get past.....[]
  7. "not with you driving it shirt lifter" LOL... couldnt have put it any better myself Youngo....[]
  8. there is a classic that was sold from Drive Subaru that has graphics on it, its dark blue with a private plate....also, Ian Grieve have graphics on their demo as well, could have been that? scott
  9. hopefully it will....you should speak to him when you go in, cant do any harm.....
  10. it aint cheap mate, think its a few £k anyway, would be superb though, its the modena gears they use, will be going for that on mine when the car goes to the next stage i think..... scott
  11. no bother mate, we made a reasonably sharp exit that nite as we were meeting a couple of the boys up the town... scott
  12. you should speak to Gav, get him to put a good word in for you....
  13. You should try contacting teg sport mate, you not fancy a dog box?? scott
  14. aye, good luck for tomorrow Sharon, hope it goes well...... scott
  15. cheers Gus, will keep an eye out this time....have seen your car at Duncs a couple of times mate but never met you, will be good to put a face to the name.... scott
  16. em.........do you not need to be about 20ish to hang aboot up the toon?LOL old chicks are allowed, in fact the boys would probably say that any chicks are allowed[] thanks, feel free to pop over and see us....car starting to sound a wee bit deeper and louder, the neighbours love me..... not had the car out much the last couple of weeks due to impending surgery at Hypertech tomorrow......will be back on the road on thursday.... scott
  17. if this is on again next week i will come along, at least my car will be able to stop again after paying its weekly visit to Hypertech[] scott
  18. []a bossy woman aint always a bad thing that would be very kind of u[] scott
  19. usually meet up with a few of the boys from falkirk with the scoobs on a sunday night in the retail park if any of you are through and want to pop over.....usually go for a nice calm cruise later on...LOL scott
  20. sma01 - pay attention then!!!!!!!!!!! LOL....thats me told cup of coffee required to wake me up a bit...
  21. give me a shout if yous are doing this again, would have come along but would have had to leave the scoob at home as its going in to get the new brakes fitted tomorrow.... scott
  22. just noticed this post now, would have popped up if had known... scott
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