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Everything posted by sma01

  1. not seen you out and about in that Gav, will look mint in white, you coming up the town with it on thursday night mate?? scott
  2. that would be magic mate, will give you a shout once youve posted the new pics, need something to cover up that intercooler at the front....[] scott
  3. that would be magic mate, will give you a shout once youve posted the new pics, need something to cover up that intercooler at the front....[] scott
  4. Looking good Del, fancy having a go at mines to cover the bottom section??
  5. "Gav(but hey what do i know)" LOL thats not bad for a first time valuing a car mate[]ha ha
  6. Stephen is right mate, having the mods on it makes no difference to the price of the car in part exchange. you will always get more selling a car private, its just a lot more hassle doing it. If you speak to Gav(scoobyseller555) he should be able to give you a rough idea as to what to expect.... scott
  7. think you would be best going for the gold , should help sell the car quicker, unless you go for a bright silver finish??
  8. what 1 of begbys mates bought that one?? weve still got a chance of getting this Y plate with 51500miles on for round about the sort of money you were talking about, you be interested in it??
  9. aaaahh, thank god for sky plus, will need to keep an eye for when repeat is on and record it...
  10. any idea when the repeat is on mate?
  11. forgot this was on, anything interesting this week??
  12. sound, now i just need to get my avatar sorted out now ....
  13. Not used octane booster for a wee while, but when i do use it i was using Lucas, supplied from Dunc @ hypertech and it was first class. Has anyone actually read the bottle on the millers?it actually states that it is not adviseable to use it for pro-longed periods with cars running catalytic converters....then again, how many folk on here still running cats???[]
  14. am hoping to be up on the 10th Peter, yes, are you?? got an email saying i got PM, but dont know how to get into it - where do i look to read my PM's?? scott
  15. look forward to hearing all about it simon you going to be up at KH on 10th March? Scott
  16. agreed with drb5, you want to go down the route of something that is tried and tested, there are a lot out there that quote the big power figures, but when it comes to actually achieving them they fall short of the mark... scott
  17. rear shockies prone to going mate, never really had too many other problems to be honest, probs cos i couldnt keep it standard long enough....modding, now thats just where you get even more headaches scott
  18. Pentagon get my vote, been in business a long time and are first class. new place opened in stirling a while back and i know swiggi went there to get his done and they look mint.... scott
  19. very impressive mate, what you been getting done this time?? KH is going to be very interesting this year.... scott
  20. you got these fitted now mate?
  21. some of the escorts in that video are absolutely mint, always fancied getting one, you never know whats round the corner tho....... scott
  22. anyone got any views on bandits comment re: exhaust sizes?? i would have thought that the 3" would have been a better option as there would be less back pressure than on a 2.5" system?? scott
  23. i modified most of the suspension at the same time, put front and rear bars on, anti lift kit and front and rear links,strut braces, along with the adjustable teins and find the car handles much better, wasnt just a case of fitting the coilovers, spent a fair bit if time trying to find the right setting, a lot of that down to the hard work of Dunc @ hypertech - we spent a good bit of time getting the right set up for the car, but now its done the car handles much better than it did before... everyone will have their own opinion on the way to go and its all going to be restricted by budget at the end of the day cos a lot of the stuff these days doesnt come cheap... scott
  24. Think the best way to start it would be to get the brakes and suspension done, if i was going to do it again i'd have got the AP's and the coilovers a lot sooner.... Scott
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