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john mac

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Everything posted by john mac

  1. Another vote for Mintex 1155's I have used Mintex 1155's on my scoobs for the last 8 years and they are more than up to the job when teamed with some uprated discs,goodridge hoses and fresh fluid.They will stop you when they are cold and wont fade when they are smokin' [] .They also come in at around £70 odd a set which is a good saving over Pagids and ds2500's which are a wee bit pricey! Like said before by Ozzy, the next step from here would be Brembo's or AP's at $$$$$'s!!
  2. Why is there no swooshes on the side??[8-)] p.s lookin nice and clean!!
  3. Don't want to be a doom merchant,but a knackered lambda sensor will cause the engine to run rich all the time ,might be worth a wee emissions check!!
  4. Not being funny mate ,but check the petrol tank, especially the fuel pump for small leaks as part of the ppp on the sti is an uprated fuel pump iirc!!
  5. [] Sorry to hear of your loss Gus ,Our thoughts are with you and your loved ones. []
  6. 01. Paddy247 - Scooby. 02. RS Grant - No Scooby 03. Oz *sti* - Scooby 04. dtabbit77 - Scooby 05. Shaun_O'Donnell - Scooby 06. scientific steve - Scooby 07. mctwistuk - Scooby 08. P1ggm - Scooby, plus about 6 wee scoobies (do they count too) 09. lescazscoob - Scooby 10. 4hero - Scooby (+ 1 Nitro r/c, 1Electric r/c, 4 18th scale models and a 76th scale one on keyring ;o) 11. boxerboy - Scooby 12. micra_wrc - Scooby 13. G.Mac - Scooby 14. TheWelsho - Scooby 15. Vicki - Scooby 16. DrewG - Scooby 17. FastScooby - Scooby 18. baldyadonis, 2 scoobs...both broken hahaha 19. RabMcD - Scooby 20. GusTheBus - Scooby 21. DanTerzo - Scooby 22. Fai17 - Scooby 23. Mo - WRX Import Scooby 24. NKWRX-Scooby 25. Dougster-No Comment... 26. Finnie-BMW M3 27. Frank c - Scooby. 28. Seafar99 - Scooby. 29. bigbadboab - Scooby 30. scoobymark - Scooby 31. cosmic-no scooby 32. slo2-2 big ones lots of small ones 33. STi_Bandit - Scooby 34. Kloon - Scooby 35. Mako-2 scoobs, 1 for road, 1 for track 36. Higgy - Scooby 37. WRXMANIA - Scooby 38. John Mac - Scooby doo'ed to the max!!
  7. Hope ye dont end up with a horses heid on yer pillow []. That will be pizza off the menu then. At least it wasn't yer car he skelped.
  8. Excellent vids,....I'll bet Sabine wasn't too chuffed about a scoob up her arse all the way around there,but the guy driving that scoob was very smooth indeed where as the beemer looked pretty twitchy in places. If he got in front of her he would have started to leave her i think! As for the Skyline in the other vid,wow[] did you see how quick that thing went through the rev range,theres not many engines that could do that even under no load!!
  9. Sounds like a nice package being put together,and remember dudes Bhp isn't everything, it's ok for bragging down the pub,but its Torque that wins races[]
  10. Don't send anything back to the thieving scamera people until you have visited www.pepipoo.com for top advice on dealing with these parasitic cameras! That site saved me 3 points and £60 last year when i got nabbed for an alledged [] 81 mph on a dual carriageway. Remember you have rights ,dont let their bluff and bluster letters deter you.
  11. A thing called a swirl pot cures fuel starvation under severe cornering and braking,think you can get an alloy one for about 100 quid!
  12. Cant believe i only took one photo of you guys......... The car in front is Scoobylav and Big Daz in the pug 205..........[]
  13. A wee photo of mine , and its clean for a change[]
  14. Knockers was Chockers.........,[] What a cracking day ,loadsa scoobs and some excellent weather,good to see some old faces and some new ones!! Ah've posted some snaps with the others on the pic thread!!
  15. A few more snaps. Great day and ma heids all sun burnt.Good tae see some old faces and some new ones.Also passed Davie (corsa) on the road up!!
  16. Doh!!!![:$] Trust me.....late as usuall , someone will be telling me the beatles have split up next[]
  17. http://videos.streetfire.net/hottestvideos...4608E3838AE.htm Dont know if anyones seen this ,..but i liked it[] Cmon the scoobies!!!![]
  18. 1. Fai17(on track) 2. G6RAY(spectating) 3. Marc29(spectating) 4. Gumball (spectating/malingering) 5. Ally-b (On track) 6. G mac(on track) 7. Wilky (On track) 8. Big Daz & Scoobylav (On Track with project Puggy) 9. FastScooby (With a fresh MOT) 10. Johnnyr6 (due to car probs. specting) 11. Fraz. A (spectating and getting in the way - which may leed to me getting a pas lap! hint hint)(pax lap with Fai17) 12. Teknopete 13. imy (spectating) 14. 4hero (spectating) 15. STi_Bandit (Spectating + 80% tempted to be on track unsure yet) 16. Col 666 (taking pics, I will be at the bottom of duffus area so give it some stick!) 17. Digital (Spectating/Taking pics) 18. PaulC555 (spectating around the burger van, unless anyone wants to take me on my first lap of knockhill) 19. RubyTheScooby (spectating) 20. Gambler(on track) 21. Jools (Ontrack) 22. Irish Al & Baby No 2 23. Fee (on track) 24. G.T. (spectating) 25. Gogsie (Loosing my virginity - On track) 26. MY94(looking very sleepy due to lack of zzzzzzz's) 27. POAH - taking pics hopefully 28. Spooks (spectating, gibbering and generally helping if needed) 29. Gus the Bus ( if circumstances allow!) 30. CORSA ( watching the ametuers) 31. st3ph3n (just watching this time) 32. Polman (spectating with daughter) 33. Karps (spectating and hopefull of some pax laps) 34. Playsatan (spectating and commenting on how I could've done much better) 35. JohnSt (Testing) Wonder if my tank is big enough to do two laps ? 36.John Mac(spectating and sunbathing) Thought i would be working this morning ,but got out of it at the last minute..yeee haaa[] and no i didnt pull a sickie[] looking forward to catching up with some old faces.......p.s weather is looking gggrrrrreat!!!
  19. I knew a while ago that Bill Greer had that engine and just assumed that it would probably end up in a rally car[] and now there it is nestled in a road going rocketship,i cant believe it[]!!!! Superb!! that is one serious specced power plant ,good luck to you on the run in period and use it wisely.................. to wipe the floor with whatever comes up against it[] Flying the flag for the scoobs
  20. Makes a lot of sense,simple and effective and anything that helps pick up metal particles no matter how small must be a good thing!!
  21. That looks totally awesome,some serious ponies about to be released there me thinks,that intercooler is a monster,looks bigger than the one in my bloody truck[],that should look amazing with the front bumper back in place(will the front bumper fit back on ok or will it need modified?)
  22. I've got Scoobyworld flaps on mine and only place you need to drill is on the front set (one hole each side) at the inside of the arch well away from nice shiny bodywork[] ,they came with stainless steel brackets and all the set screws and clips required for fitting,...they cost iirc £63 including p+p (next day delivery) forgot to mention you can get them supplied with various decals. I think they look not too bad!!
  23. Scary stuff,........Bet he wont dae that again,......[]
  24. One obvious tip is to soak all the nuts and studs with WD 40 , pretty straight forward job as long as theres no seized nuts,and a set of ratchet spanners come in very handy .(iirc)!![]
  25. That car is way to scary to be shown on this forum..[].........now i know why guns were invented.............. to shoot people who own cars like that!!!![] P.S hope ye failed it for all that sh*t on the dash!![]
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