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john mac

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Everything posted by john mac

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjA5faZF1A8 Something away from cars and planes..........Some not too shabby guitar playing.
  2. Check that number plate out ,how cool is that , and probably worth about 10k or more of the overall price. Very nice car but i would be choking to spend that on an impreza, unless it was in full rally trim with a spec to match the price tag.
  3. You should have been able to get a touch up bottle out of Halfords mate , I got some WR Blue out the the one in Hamilton,they make it up for you behind the counter, good sized bottle and a perfect colour match for about £8 iirc.
  4. This just looks totally weird, those crazy Ozzies. sorry if its a repost http://site.dragtag.com.au/webpage.php?id=21
  5. I'm not too great with photo shop myself ,but heres a clever tutorial site that might be of interest to you. http://www.digimods.co.uk/tutorials/tutorials.htm
  6. Deffo a Yay !!!! , they look tickety boo..[Y]
  7. PMSL,.......There no exactly Charlies Angels are they!! []
  8. PMSL, i think i 've just wet myself watching that,.........funny as fook.[] The old Hoffmeister is a real scary dude![6] Another cringeworthy performance, Nice find oobster [Y]
  9. Cool wee clip there Stephen ,that was my favourite movie when it came out and a great trucking song thats up there with the best,in fact i have a cd in my truck thats got that on it along with other trucking classics like convoy!![:$] for when i get fed up with radio 1. You can take the boy out of the truck,but ye can't take the truck out of the boy.
  10. Awesome pics as usual Col, you almost think your there as its happening ,every detail captured!(love the sparks in the 2nd pic) I think i know what the 666 stands for now...[].................... only joking!
  11. PMSL , love the guys comment ,"This wont pass an MOT unless you are the MOT tester" []
  12. Excellent purchase dude.Those wheels set that car off perfectly against the black bodywork,ye must be well chuffed .[H] P.S ... Don't mean to criticise, but the only thing is they show yer calipers up a wee bit now,i had to paint mine when a put new wheels on as they were faded and showing surface corrosion.Well worth the effort though!!
  13. That will only look good if you strip the interior,fit a full roll cage and and go for the rally slag look like Gus says , imho. I've seen a few Evo's with this kind of colour scheme(think the red and white is more their motorsport colours),still not keen on it. So another thumbs down mate. sorry.
  14. Think i must be one of the only guys on here that was wanting England to win yesterday,i think the result might have been different if Rooney was able to stay on the park! I don't want cheating foreigners to win the world cup and as for Ronaldo, the tw*t ,he shouldn't even have got involved in the Rooney incident it was nothing to do with him. It was amazing when the fans started singing the National anthem,brought a lump to yer throat and made ye proud to be British!!
  15. Cuckoo!![Y][Y]
  16. Now thats Funny [][][][H]
  17. Ohh,i think i've seen yer car up there craig,my mates not long moved up there,he drives a wee 172 clio with Cup reg. number!! Nice hooses by the way[]
  18. Like craigmcd says, you can buy one for buttons mate , i got one out of Argos believe it or not with a few discs(4.5") for about £13, Its not Snap -on by any means, but i have used it for some serious heavy duty work and its paid for itself 10 times over!!
  19. [] Col ,that description just about sums it up perfectly []
  20. Like said already , usually these type of shows lose their sparkle with age, but this just gets funnier all the time!! The bit where they were in the D.I.Y store talking over the tannoy system was pure class,and the the front door for a pasting table[], i thought i was going to wet myself,the tears were streaming!! Cannae wait for the next installment !!
  21. Awesome pics Col,love the way the second pic catches every detail like the gravel,water splashing up and even the desperation in the drivers face. Like said before ,shame to see a nice car being written off,he must have really been flying to launch the car like that,you done well to stay there to capture those images[]
  22. Glad to hear your ok after what looks a pretty scary episode.Shame about an awesome car.[:'(].....I guess the word "rebuild" can be translated as the next one will be even better!![][] Good luck!!
  23. I never park in disabled bays,but parent and child bays,well there fair game as the scoob is my baby! [] Main thing to be aware of is baby seats in cars.Lost count of how many times i've seen women strapping kids into baby seats while their fat arses are pushing their door up against the car next to them!![:@] As for supermarkets ,the wife takes her car![] especially to Asda in Hamilton as the car park there was designed by the village idiot,just add some inept women and it resembles a bloody demolition derby!!
  24. Go to a breakers and blag a couple off a BMW,VW or Audi,will cost ye buttons!!
  25. Full license since Jan 1988.........18 years Class 1 Hgv or class C+E as its known now...........15 years keep on truckin[] awwwwww good god , ah feel so old!!!!
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